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Dec 6, 2010

Bike Today

Today I did 8 miles on the exercise bike and also worked out on the bowflex.  I'm finally starting to get used to using the bike on a weekly basis.  It's still boring because I'm inside but I have to say that it was only about 27 degrees this morning so I was more than happy to be inside today.  The one thing I really wish the bike has was a way to stop the movement of the arm handles but I guess I did not think about that being such a big issue.  You can see pictures of the bike in a previous post.  I'm not looking forward to my run tomorrow where it will be in the teen's but I continue to move forward.  This is the start of week 6 of a 30 week marathon training program.

Have a great day and......Keep Running!


  1. Can't imagine riding with those arms moving! Riding wil ldefinitely help your running though - keep it up.

  2. Great tree! Love that there is a blue fish on it!
    You can make a link in your blog post to the post about the bike. I never do it, but should start.
    I want to get a road bike and keep saving up for one, but something always comes up that I use the money on instead. Maybe this spring.

  3. Will do Kovas; Lee, I have a road bike. I'll take a pictures sometime and show you. It's a panasonic which was good when I bought it 20 years ago :) I will probably start using it in the spring but it's too cold to ride now. I have a hard enough time going out to run in this weather but it still beats the treadmill!

  4. 8 miles, that's great!!!!

    I need to haul my bike down to the basement, from the garage, and set it up on the trainer. Also need to get a Netflix account and rent some movies to keep myself occupied. Ah, the joys of winter training!!
