My running schedule: Rest day today
Review of Extreme Running Book
Well I finished this book. It only took me a few days to go through it. I really liked it. It discusses all the extreme races throughout the world. While there are many fantastic marathons/ultra's throughout the world, these are the ones that the authors felt were the most extreme on each continent. It's not completely up to date since when I went through the book and then checked the websites, there have been changes but that would be expected of when a book is released and changes that the race makes year to year.
Probably the race that I would fear the most is the Jungle Marathon. Stage 1 of it is just the warm up. It's only 16.3 km. That doesn't sound too bad. Until you hear the cut off time - 10 hours 30 minutes!!!!(now 17.5 hours on their website!) Can you imagine the kinds of thing that you have to run through if the cutoff is that long for only 16km? Heavy forest(with plant that will rip your clothing), swamps, tree stumps everywhere - highly technical. Not only a tough terrain but apparently there is bugs - REALLY big bugs, all over the place(and falling from the trees - eek) and its very hot and humid.
Each of the stages gets longer and tougher. Did I mention the deep river you have to swim across? I don't remember any running races that included swimming in a river? There is even a point in the race where if you get past a certain point, assuming you make it to that point, you risk being out in the jungle alone in the dark for much of the night running. Well, not really alone. You would be in an area of heavily populated Jaguar's! Apparently, Jaguars are quite, fast(can't outrun) and deadly.
Imagine facing this on your run! |
As I said before, who thinks up this stuff? I know that some of you are thinking, "I can do it!" or "That's sounds awesome" because I know that some of you are just crazy enough to try this
Here is a quote from the race director: "Those that make it out of the jungle during daytime will do a lot of this stage in the dark(stage 5 of 6). And there are parts where it is scary. Even though you are near communities it will feel as if you are in the middle of nowhere. I strongly recommend teaming up as there will be all kinds of crawly creatures at night. It's when the jungle comes to life. 4 eyes see more and will make it safer for you." Crazy, I tell you, Crazy!
Key Stats for the Jungle Marathon -
Location: Amazon Jungle(Brazil)
Distance: 200km(125 miles); 6 stages; web says 220km or 100km now
Date: Early October
Total Ascent: 1,800m(5,900 ft), unverified
Total Descent: 1,800m(5,900 ft), unverified
Key Chartacteristics: Multi Stage, self-sufficiency, race on Jungle Tracks, road and beach with numerous river crossings and swamps; extreme humidity and heat.
Race Records: Male: 38:47; Female: 51:59
Field(approx): 80
Climate: Up to 50 degrees C(122 F); approx. 80% humidity
Finishers: 60-65% of starters
Cost: $3,092(Wow!; it does include more than your average marathon though)
Go check out their
website. It's unbelievable. I personally think this would be a great reality TV show. Not a whole season but a great one time show about it. Maybe even a whole season but do a different extreme marathon each week. Looks like getting there(by plane and boat) is half the adventure. Once there you need to acclimate to the climate and do jungle training(survivor anyone?) Check out these pictures
here too! You won't believe the sore, blistered feet from running these kind of miles with wet feet. By the way, training - try running in your attic in middle of summer to get used to it. LOL!
Anyway, the book is fantastic and gives great detail to all of the races along with all the stats of each race and lots of pictures. It's also a great price on
Amazon (and I don't get paid if you buy it). I wish I could describe all the races to you but there are too many so I picked the one I would be most scared to do(I hate bugs!). I would definitely recommend picking this book up if you are interested in reading about races throughout the world.
Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!