
Jan 31, 2011

New Running Stuff

10 miles on the exercise bike today for my cross training day.

More exciting news!  I received my $150 Visa Gift card from the Blog prize I won from Amanda at Run to the Finish.  Of course, I already spent it all on running gear and here's what I got:

Brooks Ghost 2 shoes
I've never tried Brooks shoes and have always stuck to Saucony but I thought I would try something new.  I have already done a couple short runs in them and like them so far.

Saucony Ride 2
 These(Saucony) have been a staple for my running shoes.  I have like 7 pairs of these and love them.

The Stick!
 Another rolling device called "The stick".  I like my foam roller but this is nice to reach areas my foam rolller cannot get to.  You can also put more pressure on certain areas as well.

Manzella Gloves/mittens

 A second pair of gloves/mittens for outside runs in the winter.  These take a little time to dry so I figured another pair is nice to have to switch off on days.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 30, 2011

Long Run at Stoney Creek

Today I ran my 8 mile run outside at Stoney Creek Metropark.  This is the first time that I have run at Stoney Creek in the winter.  Mostly, I just run outside my door.  The park is about a 15 minute drive so I really have to be motivated to go there.  It was a really sunny day and that helped.  The first mile was really windy and cold since it's near the lake but after that, it got much better.  I saw white swans today on part of the lake that was not frozen which was really cool.  I also saw numerous ice fisherman out on the lake as well and they had the lake plowed off for ice skaters but there was nobody on it when I was there.

There were LOTS of runners out there today which I was surprised to see.  I think I might have even seen Coach Ken out there today as well?  I said hello to him(and many others) but was not sure if it was him.  Ken if that was you in a blue running jacket and black pants, let me know.  Next time I'll stop and talk with you.

A run around the lake is 6 miles.  Since I had to do 8, I ran the lake and then a mile past and came back to the car.
Run around Stoney Creek!

I bought an annual pass to the park so I can start to do all my long runs out there on the weekend.  Fortunately, they plow and salt the walkway so it's great to run on.  Unfortunately, at about mile 6, my IT Band on my right leg started hurting.  I never have any issues with my right leg so I was surprised at this.  Anyway, I moved my IT Band strap to that leg and continued to run.  It was a little painful but after I got going again, I ran through the pain and it eased up some.  I was happy I only needed to do 2 remaining miles under that.  I'll be back to the foam roller and really stretch that leg so hopefully it will not happen next week for my long run.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 29, 2011

New mail from RoadID

5 miles today on the treadmill due to snow; keeping on schedule!

Yesterday I got the mail and received this:
RoadID racing bibs - cool!
and this
RoadID brochures with $2 coupon
and this!
Yup - 4 $15 gift cards!

I asked Road ID for some support for the virtual 5k that I'm doing on March 5th and they surely delivered!!!  They sent me not 1, not 2, NOT 3 but four $15 coupons for prizes for the 5k.  The winners will be able to use a gift card code to order something from  So you will be able to order whatever you would like from them even if you already own a roadid - which you really should!

In addition to this, they also provided me with some racing bibs for anyone that will run at Stoney Creek Park that day.  I figured if we had some runners out there that will run with me that day, why not give them a race bib for showing up.  I'm work to try and work out a way to scan one of these so everyone else can print and have one as well.  I always love getting the bib and I keep all mine from all my races so this will go into my running bib file.  They were also generous enough to also provide some road ID brochures that include $2 off coupon codes.

I am so happy for the support that they provided and all I did was call and ask!  I also offered to do a review of my road ID since I never leave home without it when doing any outdoor activity so you will be certain to see a future post about that as well.

I am also in the works for a couple additional prizes that I think everyone will really like.  If things work out, I'll be able to offer two of these prizes.  I have one and they are awesome!  I'll let you know what it is when I have an official word on it.

So how about that?  It's a great start to the weekend!

Have a great day and.......Keep Running!

Jan 28, 2011

119 days and 530 miles

Rest day today!  Yea for me!

So I have 119 days until my marathon.  I also have 530 more miles to run.  Wow.  It's seems like a lot of miles but then it really doesn't.  Know what I mean?

I'd like to ask everyone what you eat at lunch when you go out.  Due to my work schedule, I have been going out to lunch more often that I like.  I used to be able to bring my lunch 99% of the time so I could control what I ate but because I will be taking clients out more, I must go out.  My wife thinks it's a dream to be able to eat out for lunch on the companies dime but I actually don't want to do it.  I do the usual things and try to pick things on the menu that are more healthy..salad with dressing on the side, sandwich wraps, veggie type dishes.  The hard part for me is sometimes it is described as something as healthy and you really don't know the calories because of course they don't list it and MOST put some kind of sauce on their meal.  While that makes it taste great, it probably ups the calories considerably.  I never order french fries when it comes with the meal and can usually replace it with veggies or fruit.  Do you ever notice that not many restaurants have fruit.  Jeez, you would think this would be a normal thing to have.  Perhaps because most people are used to a hamburger and french fries for lunch, the fruit gets put on the backburner.  What do you do?

Have a great day and....Keep running!

Jan 27, 2011

Running in Pittsburgh?

Great run outside again today.  Finally, that's three is a row.  Unfortunately, it's not looking good for Saturday's run.  We are expecting 2-3 inches of the white stuff.

Today I ran 3.1 miles.  The schedule had three but I really wanted that extra 0.1 miles on my Garmin.  Have you ever done that?  Rounded up your miles or round them to a 5 or 10k.  I'm sure some of you round by the ten mile(Jim 50 after 40)  Haha!  I think it's good for the confidence.

My other issue I have been thinking about is how to run when I'm out of town.  I'm going to be in Pittsburgh for a week in February.  Yes, sounds like an exciting getaway, huh?  It will probably be colder and snowier than it is here.  Ha!  Anyway, I'm trying to decide if I should just run on the treadmill at the hotel gym or if I should take my runs outside.  I have several issues I'm dealing with.  First, I don't know the area so that would mean running in unfamiliar territory.  Second, I'm running at 5am so it's dark.  My experience tells me running in a dark place AND unknown territory alone might not be the best combination for my runs that week.  I will be right downtown Pittsburgh so I'm sure there are great places to run down there.  Anyone ever been there?  Anyone from there or follow a blog from someone that lives in downtown Pittsburgh?  I will be close to PNC Park.

I did find a running club that meets during the week but it's not too close to the hotel and I will not have a car that week.  Any suggestions, let me know.  I'm thinking the dreadmill unfortunately.  Fortunately, I have a step back week that week so I only need to do 3,5,3 that week so it won't kill me to be inside but it would be nice to run outside where I don't normally run.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 26, 2011

5 and done

5 miles on the schedule; 5 miles completed.  Thanks Hal!

Finally, the last two days I have been able to run outside.  It was in the low 20's; WAY better than minus 5 degrees!  I'll be outside tomorrow and the weekend and from the looks of it next week as well.  My first race is coming up on March 20.  I'm doing a half marathon that looks like a great race called the Rock CF Rivers Half Marathon.  It helps benefit Cystic Fibrosis - a great cause.  I' really looking forward to it.  I could not sign up for the 5k I wanted in February due to my work schedule so March will be my first race.

Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!

Jan 25, 2011

It's official!

It's official!  I'm starting to become a marathon runner.  Well, oh, I just started my Hal Higdon training program so I only did 3 miles today but it has begun!  I'm not sure what I'll write about once I'm done with this marathon.  Just to recap, I am doing the Bayshore Marathon.  This is a small marathon up in the upper part of the lower peninsula of Michigan in Traverse City.  When I say small, it's about 2,000 runners for the marathon and 2,000 for the half marathon.  Large enough to be well organized but small enough that I'm not bumping into people the entire way.  It should have a gorgeous view of the bay since we run out and back on it.  Here a picture of the route:

 all on the water!
I'm hoping the water will take my mind off the running - at least for the second half of the race.  Also, nice is the half marathoners starts at the half way point so it will not be too crowded at the start.  Hopefully I picked a good first one.

Also, if you have not already, please don't forget to sign up for the virtual 5k.  You can comment on today's post or you can comment on the 5k post.  We have 40 people running right now.  Remember, you don't need to run just 5k.  You can run this as part of any run you are doing that day as long as it's at least 5k long.

Also, I see that I have some new followers and welcome to the blog.  I hope you enjoy it and learn something about running(although I'm no expert by any means)

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 24, 2011

Marathon Training

Today's workout was a 10 mike bike ride.  I just wish I were going somewhere - it was on the exercise bike.  Fortunately, it was inside, because it's still freakin' freezing here in Michigan.   Tomorrow is supposed to be better though.

I'm really excited because tomorrow is the official start to my marathon training.  I will be following Hal Higdon's Intermediate marathon training program.  I just went through his spring tune up and really did well with it.  I think I might have missed one workout and I did not miss any runs.  This is an easy week starting with the 10 mile bike I did today and a 3 mile run on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, 3 on Thursday, 5 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday.

17.5 weeks until my first marathon!  I'll actually be happy when it's over!  Hahaha!

Have a great day and.......Keep Running!

Jan 23, 2011

Getting used to the treadmill but enough is enough!

Ok, I have to say I'm getting used to the treadmill.  Another 6 miles today.  The best advantage is that the treadmill is slowing me down which is what I'll need to complete my Marathon.  Not that I like it but jeez, its cold out there at 3 degrees with a -8 windchill.  From the looks of the forecast, I'll be outside on my runs this week because it's going to get back into the high 20's and low 30's.  That's way better to run in even though I know you Cali folks would not like those temps either.

The virtual 5k is going well.  Here's who I have signed up so far.  If you're on there and I have something wrong let me know.  If you want to be added, let me know that too.  If you requested to be added and I forgot you, let me know as well.

The star next to the people in Michigan means they might come to Stoney Creek Park.  The race is really heavily weighted towards the ladies, so, come on guys, you need to sign up for it.  If this keeps up, I might have to get a few girly prizes and I know that there are some(Chris K) that are not going to like that since he feels the contests are geared towards ladies most of the time.  Many of the bloggers are ladies so I'm not sure we can do anything about that - except have more guys sign up for the 5k!  Personally I enjoy reading all the ladies blogs even if I'm not included in many of the contests.

Stay warm everyone.

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 22, 2011

What a chicken!

Holy Cow! It's cold outside.  12 degrees with a real feel of MINUS 4 degrees.  I chickened out and ran on the treadmill.  We all have our limits don't we?  6 miles today at 8:34 pace.  You know it's cold when I WANT to run on the treadmill.


Well, we have 31 people so far that want to run the the first annual "I just felt like running" virtual 5k.  Yes, I know you area probably already sick of hearing about this 5k but it giving me something to write about.  Here is how it breaks down so far:

6 men
25 women

We have the following states(19) included so far:  NY, MD, RI, CA(2), MA, MI(9), CT, PA, GA, NE, VA, MO, IA, IL, WI, LA, AZ, NC

We also have two runners from other countries:  South Africa, Italy

I am really surprised to see so many from my home State of Michigan.

I know that all cannot join us at Stoney Creek but it's great to see I'm not the only one suffering through these temperatures.  Of the 9, maybe 4 might commit to being at Stoney Creek.  Perhaps when we get closer to the date everyone can decide.  The other surprise is that most of our runners are running in States with really cold weather(although I'm sure some are on the treadmill like I was today)

We still need people from Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming.

If you know anyone from these states, please ask them to join the blog and the virtual race.  I would love to see all 50 states involved and also more countries!

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 21, 2011

Resting today

No running for me today.  Actually no exercise today.  It's my rest day.  I love having Friday as my rest day.  It's nice to sleep in a little on Friday morning before work or stay up a little later on Thursday night as well.

As I have thought more about what to do for the virtual 5k, I have decided to add this book to my list of prizes.  I've read it so I know it's an awesome book and any runner would really enjoy reading it as well.  You can read a little about it at my post here.  I did a brief post on one of the races in the book.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 20, 2011


Good morning everyone!  I'm in an especially good mood today because I was able to run outside the first time since Saturday.  Oh, how I love being outside.  Today, I did 3 miles and it flew by.  I love how when you have done some much longer distances and then you go to a shorter distance how easy it feels.

Thanks everyone for joining my first Virtual Race.  Looks like we have some good people involved already so that is awesome.  I also want to apologize to Johann - I was not trying to exclude anyone outside the USA.  The more the merrier for the race!  If you missed my post yesterday, go here to see what it's all about and sign up on that day's comments.  I'll start to compile a list this weekend.  I'm still really, really busy at work but so far, so good.

I tried to explain what a virtual race was to my wife - she just thought I was crazy.  Actually probably weird.  I think they are great ideas with some fun and prizes mixed in.  Many people don't understand the blogging world and think we are nuts but I really enjoy talking to all the bloggers around the world!

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 19, 2011

The "I just felt like Running" Virtual 5k

Hi everyone:

First things first:  I ran 6 miles today that was on my schedule.  And I ran outside.  Actually, I ran on the treadmill.  I wasted time and got all dressed to go outside to find ice on the sidewalks/streets so I came back inside where it's safe.

Second, I have decided to host a Virtual 5k.  Now, I can't promise it will be as extensive as Adam's over at I am Boring.  I mean, that was a ton of work for him but I'll do my best not to disappoint.  SOOOOO......... here's the details and more to follow:

In case you can't read it - I know it's a little small, here are the details:

Place:  You decide!  If in Detroit area, Stoney Creek Metro Park, 9am.  Details to follow for locals.
Distance:  5k but you can make it part of another race or longer run.
Date:  3/5/11 but anytime up to a week before or a week after is Ok with me.
Prize:  To be announced; times will be on the honor system.

One thing I will also require is that you are a follow of Detroit Runner.  You know, I've got to get something out of this for my effort! :)  Most of you probably are already anyway but more are certainly welcome!  Please spread the word!

While it's not a requirement you better do it though, I would love to hear about your race reports so I can do a follow up post of people around the USA.

So if you are interested, please leave me a comment that you are a follower and that you would be interested in doing the Virtual 5k.  I would also like to know what State you are from because I'm going to track that as well to see if we can get at least one from every State.  If you can meet at Stoney Creek as well, let me know that too so I can plan something very informal.

I have some bibs coming from Road ID and some prizes(eligible for everyone participating).  I'm also trying to find a way for everyone to print one of their bibs as well.  More to follow!  While I have not received the Road ID stuff yet, I'd like to thank them in advance for the support.  They really are supportive of the running community and have great products that I use everyday - and I would say that without getting anything from them.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 18, 2011

Hit 100!!!

Hey I hit 100 followers!  Yeah!  Thanks everyone that follows me.  I appreciate your support more than you know - yes, I have no life!  Next benchmark, 1000.  Ha!  That's all for today, I don't usually post twice in one day.

Have a good night and.....Keep Running!

Treadmill poem

Three miles today on the treadmill at 8:34  pace.

Here's my attempt at running poetry:

There once was a guy named Jeff who felt he had got enough rest
so he got on the treadmill to try and lose weight
and never realized it would determine his fate

He ran and ran with the help of his feet
until he discovered a place in the street
he knew from then on that he'd never be back on the treadmill he owned
unless the weatherman would say your run would be postponed

So here it is a wonderful day
of potentially icy, snowy and rainy delay
so he got back on that interesting machine
that he knew damn well would be
the most boring thing!

But in the end it was either this or nothing to do
and he wasn't going to lose weight by just taking a poo
so he went down the stairs to determine his fate
and ran three more miles to lose some more weight.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 17, 2011

MLK Day!

Today, I'm off of work for Martin Luther King Day!  How about you?  Who else has today off?  Now you would think with a day off I could get in some good exercise.

I did 10 miles on the exercise bike today in 32:40 but I did not do my weights workout.  Why you ask?  Because our furnace went out last night so I had to buy a new furnace today.  The furnace guy got our existing furnace working but they are going to replace it on Wednesday.  Not exactly what I wanted to spend my hard earned money on right now.  Also loved spending my day talking about furnaces.  Oh well, what can you do?  It's kind of important to have heat in Michigan for the winter.  Perhaps I'll come vacation near Chris K's place for the week since I'm sure it's 80 and sunny there.

Looking forward to getting outside to run tomorrow.  Unfortunately we're looking at rain, freezing rain and 35 degrees so it's looking like a possible treadmill run again.  Great.

So I'm thinking of putting on a virtual 5k race sometime in February/March and I'm looking for ideas.  It seems like Adam's over at I am Boring did a great job on his.  I'm thinking of having a few small prizes as well to go along with it.  Give me your thoughts on what you would like to see in a virtual race.  Nothing too crazy but I need to put some ground rules together.  I'd like to hear all your ideas so have fun with it!

Have a great day and......Keep Running.

Jan 16, 2011


So I did 4 miles today.  On the Dreadmill.  The second time this week.  Crap.

Now the only reason I used the treadmill today is that I wanted proper running form.  Actually, I could have run over at Stoney Creek where the path is plowed and salted but I didn't have time today to do that but I really need to do that more.  Since my IT Band was bothering me, I used the treadmill.  The leg actually felt good but it was only 4 miles.  I'm hoping that the IT Band issue was just due to the poor road conditions outside.  We'll see.  It has not acted up since October.

For those of you with IT Band issues, these two things are your best friend:

IT Band Strap
Foam Roller
The best inventions ever made for running(at least for me).

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 15, 2011

Long run in snow!

Today I did my long run(8 miles) outside in the unshoveled sidewalks, unplowed, sloshy streets.  It was generally pretty crummy conditions outside.  To help keep my feet warm, I wore my Salomon Goretex shoes which was nice but at mile 7.75, my IT Band started hurting. :-(
drying after my run

I finished out but think I did too much.  Not because of the distance but because of the tough running conditions.  It's so much harder to run through snow plus while I like the Salomon shoes, it was my first longer run in them.  The snow also throws off my good running form.  I'm just more comfortable in my regular running shoes.  Hopefully tomorrow's run will not hurt.

The other big news!  Yesterday in the mail I got two bumper stickers from two fellow running bloggers.  The first one was from Adrienne at Tangents and I love the quotes.  Run Your Race.  Keep the Faith.

I can certainly attest that if you don't have faith, it's going to be a long haul no matter what distance you are running.  And you must run your own race otherwise you're going to be very disappointed.

The second sticker is from Mollie at I'm a Sleeper Baker.  Her's says "You are capable of more than you realize"  Isn't that the truth?  I never thought I would be able to do the kinds of distances that I have done.

I want to thank both of them for sending me their stickers.  I think they are really awesome!  I'll look at them everyday before I go out to run to help keep me motivated.

Everyone else - if you have not checked out their blogs, please go to them NOW!

Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!

Jan 14, 2011


Rest day today!  Yeah!

Good thing too because I have a lot to share.  By the way, thank you for all that are reading my blog, without you I would be nothing.  Ok, I'm still nothing but at least I can think I'm something.  I would really, really like to see my followers over 100 by the weekend.  Please recommend me if you enjoy my blog and thanks for your contributions!

So, WOW, I got awarded the Stylish Blogger award by two bloggers - Andrew over at Running Man Wannabe and Marcia at Running Off at the Mouth.  Thanks you guys, I'm feeling loved!

Here are the rules:
1) Link back to the person who awarded this to you.(See above!)
2) Tell us 7 things about you.(see below)
3) Select 5 recently discovered bloggers to pass this onto.(see below)
4) Let them know they've been selected.

Here are my seven things:
1)  I'm a home theater fanatic.  Home theater is my other passion besides running.  Here's a couple pictures of my home theater.  I know Chris K. has been waiting for this.  I get to keep my man card!

That's 100 inches baby!
7 seats with electronic recline
Blu ray, Sat, DVD, Pioneer & lots of DVD's

2) I like to Golf but would not consider myself a golfer.  I'm a very high handicap and just plain stink but I love just being outdoors!  Unfortunately, I don't care about it enough to get better at it but I know it would probably help me in my career if I was really good.
Up north golfing!
3) I've been happily married for almost 19 years this year and met my wife at college.

4) My favorite TV show was LOST until that ended.  I have not found anything really that good since.  I usually watch HGTV, Discovery, Travel Channel, etc.  I like things that I can learn from.  I'm on the computer more than watching TV.

5) I don't watch any sports(besides the occasional New York Marathon, Ironman and golf-on Sunday)  I cannot sit there for hours and watch sports.  That includes baseball, football, hockey, basketball, soccer, etc, pro or college.  I just cannot get into it.  Probably because my Dad never watched it either although my brother loves watching sports.  I like going to a game live but never watch it on TV.  I won't watch the Superbowl this year and hardly ever do.  I don't memorize all kinds of sports names, people, or statistics and don't follow any of it.  Who cares who won what game in whatever year?  Man card gone now?

6) I love getting away for many weekends and for a couple weeks per year at our cottage up north.  It is in a very peaceful place.  I could sit outside and relax by the bonfire for hours and enjoy talking with friends.  The family enjoys going to the lake, the pool, golfing, walking, running, bike riding, searching for golf balls on the golf course, and generally relaxing.  I feel like I'm thousands of miles away when I'm up there and my worries fade away.  I also love running up there.
My little piece of paradise up north
7) And last but not least!  The following has happened to me since I started running in June 2009:  I went from absolutely no exercise to exercise 6 days per week; I changed my eating habits from fast food and junk food to fruits, vegetables, chicken & fish; I lost 65 pounds; I went from a 40 inch waist to a 30 inch waist; I went from XL shirts to Medium and Small shirts(and always wondered who fits in a small); I reduced my cholesterol from 280 to 140; I increased my energy by ten-fold and cut my stress in half; I reduced my life insurance costs dramatically; I spent way too much money on running stuff; I ran as far as 13.1 miles and hope to run 26.2 this May and I have met some of the nicest people in the world all from running!

So - here is who I am passing on this prestigious award:

1) Adam from I am Boring
2) Jim from 50 after 40

Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!

Jan 13, 2011

Outside again

Well from the sounds of the posts yesterday, just about everyone got snow in their area.  I heard a weather report this morning that said every state had snow except Florida.  That included Hawaii in the mountains!  Anyway, I got back out there today.  I did 4 miles today.  What was on the schedule?  3 miles!!  Oops.  I thought my schedule was for 4 miles so that's what I did.  I didn't want to run back home after three and find out I needed to go back out for another mile so I just did for.  Oh well.  Not a big deal.  It was really cold this morning.  16 degrees with a wind chill of 10 degrees.  Today I used one extra layer.  I really need to get a vest because I just wanted it for my core area as my arms already get pretty warm.  The streets were pretty much plowed so it was not bad running.  A friend of mine said just consider the snow resistance training and get out there.  He said only use the treadmill if it's too cold out.  The cold really does not bother me that much - it's the snow you have to tread through that I don't like.  It really kills your running form - at least it does mine.  Here's a picture of what's it looked like around here on Tuesday night:

How about you?  Are you back out there now after you got snow?  I know most of you got it.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 12, 2011

Yuck - Snow!

Ok, we are in Michigan and I understand that but we have been pretty lucky to not have much snow this year.  Last night we got 3-4 inches of snow and in a really quick time period.  So, for the first time this year(2011) and the third time this winter, I used the treadmill.  I did 5 miles and hated every minute of it.  I'm hoping for clear roads tomorrow morning and I'm sure they will be by then.  One thing that is beneficial to using the treadmill is that I can keep the speed to what I want it to be.  I set the 5 miles on an 8:27 pace.  I also use a 2% incline for my treadmill runs to somewhat simulate an outdoor run.  I'm not sure it really simulates it but it does make it harder.  Anyway, back to outside tomorrow!(hopefully)

I'm hoping to catch up on all of your blogs this weekend.  Work has been crazy busy and I have been getting home later so there has not been much time to look at anything since I'm out at 9:30pm(unless you have a snow storm, then it's 10pm)

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 11, 2011

Check out 50 after 40

Today, 5 miles was on the schedule.  I had a good run this morning.  Really felt good out there.  It was cold but the wind was not bad at all.  Before you know it, it's going to be spring time!

I would also like to mention if you are looking for a another running blog to follow, please try 50 after 40.  Jim has some really great posts on his site with some great information.  Jim is looking to run 50 marathons AFTER the age of 40.  Very inspiring especially for a guy that is over 40 like me!  Anyway, check it out.

Short post today.

Have a great day everyone and.......Keep Running!

Jan 10, 2011

January diet

Today's workout:  10 miles on exercise bike at 18 mph; Weights full body workout.

My legs felts really strong today on the bike.  I've only been using the bike about two months and one time a week but I can certainly tell the difference in the strength of my legs.  It is really working other muscles that I'm not using when running.  I got up at 5am today and finished at about 6:35am.  I don't know how you triathlete's have enough time to train.  I don't know how I would fit in a swim even if I wanted to.  I guess I'd have to run one less day or get up earlier.

Here's a little rhyme for January to keep you motivated.  I did not make it up but thought it was good.

T'was the month after Christmas, and all through the house,
nothing would fit me, not even a blouse;
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I had to taste,
at the holiday parties had gone to my waist;

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber),
I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared,
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared;

The wine and the rum balls; the bread and the cheese,
and the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt,
and prepared once again to do battle with dirt,
I said to myself, as only I can,
"You can't spend a winter disguised as a man!"

So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished,
'til all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won't have a cookie--not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore,
But isn't that what January is for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 9, 2011

Long Run day

Today I did my 7 mile long run.  It was around 13 degrees and windy but the sun was out and that helped keep me warm.  My right knee was a little tight.  It has not really given me too many problems but I don't like to feel any discomfort when I'm running.  I'm sure many of you are say, "discomfort?, I have that all the time."  I guess I'm spoiled that I legs have held up pretty good.  I did have an IT Band issue on my left left but have not had problems with it in almost three months which is good.

I still have to work on my pacing.  I seem to feel comfortable around an 8:30 pace.  I know I can hold that pace for a half marathon but not so sure about the full marathon.  My preference would be to look and feel like this when I finish my marathon:
This is how I'll look(hopefully)

and NOT like this:
Hoping I don't look like this
By the way, I don't know either of these people.  These are just internet photos.  My goal is sub 4 hour so that gives me some flexibility on the time.  Everything I read says run your long run's slower than marathon pace.  I'm using the Higdon marathon training program and this is what he says also.  I can't see running a 10 minute mile.  I have never been able to slow down that much.  My brother runs about that pace and I have run that pace with him but it just seems so slow to me.  Almost more work that moving faster(although I know that's not true)  Work in progress I guess.

What are your thoughts on pacing?

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 8, 2011

Adam's Virtual 5k Race Result

Today, I did the virtual 5k race for Adam's Virtual Run at I am Boring.  I really like virtual races because of the following:

1) The are the right price.
2) I alway envision myself as the winner - even though I'm likely not.  It just feels like you're in front when you're running alone and you know it's for a race.
3) It's a great way to see how others are doing throughout the country

I think I'm going to set up one of these up in the coming months.  It looks like there is great interest in doing these at least in the blogging land.

I ran my 3.1 miles in 22:55; not a PR(22:38) for me but very close.  Since I was pretty much running on snow the majority of the run, it probably slowed me down.  In addition, it was about 27 degrees so when I'm going that speed, my lungs are on fire in those cold temperatures.  I know, I know, excuses, excuses.  I'd like to see what my time would be once its warmer out but I have no 5k's planned at all this year.  Perhaps I'll have to fit one in somewhere.  Here's a couple pictures from today.  I didn't bring the camera on my run because I wanted to get the best time that I could but I took a before and after.  They look pretty much the same except you can see my hat has ice forming on it from the sweat.  It's funny because whenever I run this hard in cold weather, once I'm done, you can see the steam coming off my body through my clothes.

Before race

After race

My time
Thanks again Adam for putting on this great race.  You did a great job promoting it.  I hope everyone that ran today also had a great run.

Have a great day and.......Keep Running!

Jan 7, 2011

Extreme Running!

My running schedule:  Rest day today

Review of Extreme Running Book

Well I finished this book.  It only took me a few days to go through it.  I really liked it.  It discusses all the extreme races throughout the world.  While there are many fantastic marathons/ultra's throughout the world, these are the ones that the authors felt were the most extreme on each continent.  It's not completely up to date since when I went through the book and then checked the websites, there have been changes but that would be expected of when a book is released and changes that the race makes year to year.

Probably the race that I would fear the most is the Jungle Marathon.  Stage 1 of it is just the warm up.  It's only 16.3 km.  That doesn't sound too bad.  Until you hear the cut off time - 10 hours 30 minutes!!!!(now 17.5 hours on their website!) Can you imagine the kinds of thing that you have to run through if the cutoff is that long for only 16km?  Heavy forest(with plant that will rip your clothing), swamps, tree stumps everywhere - highly technical.  Not only a tough terrain but apparently there is bugs - REALLY big bugs, all over the place(and falling from the trees - eek) and its very hot and humid.

Each of the stages gets longer and tougher.  Did I mention the deep river you have to swim across?  I don't remember any running races that included swimming in a river?  There is even a point in the race where if you get past a certain point, assuming you make it to that point, you risk being out in the jungle alone in the dark for much of the night running.  Well, not really alone.  You would be in an area of heavily populated Jaguar's!  Apparently, Jaguars are quite, fast(can't outrun) and deadly.
Imagine facing this on your run!
As I said before, who thinks up this stuff?  I know that some of you are thinking, "I can do it!" or "That's sounds awesome" because I know that some of you are just crazy enough to try this

Here is a quote from the race director:  "Those that make it out of the jungle during daytime will do a lot of this stage in the dark(stage 5 of 6).  And there are parts where it is scary.  Even though you are near communities it will feel as if you are in the middle of nowhere.  I strongly recommend teaming up as there will be all kinds of crawly creatures at night.  It's when the jungle comes to life.  4 eyes see more and will make it safer for you."  Crazy, I tell you, Crazy!

Key Stats for the Jungle Marathon -

Location:  Amazon Jungle(Brazil)
Distance:  200km(125 miles); 6 stages; web says 220km or 100km now
Date:  Early October
Total Ascent:  1,800m(5,900 ft), unverified
Total Descent:  1,800m(5,900 ft), unverified
Key Chartacteristics:  Multi Stage, self-sufficiency, race on Jungle Tracks, road and beach with numerous river crossings and swamps; extreme humidity and heat.
Race Records:  Male:  38:47; Female:  51:59
Field(approx):  80
Climate:  Up to 50 degrees C(122 F); approx. 80% humidity
Finishers:  60-65% of starters
Cost:  $3,092(Wow!; it does include more than your average marathon though)

Go check out their website.  It's unbelievable.   I personally think this would be a great reality TV show.  Not a whole season but a great one time show about it.  Maybe even a whole season but do a different extreme marathon each week.  Looks like getting there(by plane and boat) is half the adventure.  Once there you need to acclimate to the climate and do jungle training(survivor anyone?)  Check out these pictures here too!  You won't believe the sore, blistered feet from running these kind of miles with wet feet.  By the way, training - try running in your attic in middle of summer to get used to it.  LOL!

Anyway, the book is fantastic and gives great detail to all of the races along with all the stats of each race and lots of pictures.  It's also a great price on Amazon (and I don't get paid if you buy it).  I wish I could describe all the races to you but there are too many so I picked the one I would be most scared to do(I hate bugs!).  I would definitely recommend picking this book up if you are interested in reading about races throughout the world.

Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!

Jan 6, 2011

This and that and 5 miles too!

Yesterday I found out that I was the winner of a $150 Visa Gift Card contest that Amanda did over at  Run to the Finish.  How freakin' awesome is that?  She has a great blog!  I don't always do all the blog giveaways but this was certainly a great one.  I already have the money spent(oops) on running stuff.  I'll post the items here as I get them.  Perhaps I should wait until I have the Visa card in my hands?  Nah!

Three mile run on the agenda for today and guess what?  I did five instead - I try to be Mr. consistency and usually follow my training plan pretty well.   The reason I changed it is that I only want to run 3.1 on Saturday for Adam's Virtual Race at I am Boring.  Since I had five scheduled for Saturday, I just did them today and moved my three miles to saturday(and added 0.1) If you have not looked into it, you still have time to sign up for it.  He's even giving out prizes!  He got a great blog and he cracks me up!  Today it was cold out again - oh yeah, it's winter out?

On another note, today is the first day at my new job.  Unfortunately, it was time to leave my old employer of 5.5 years.  I am happy, though, to have a job in my industry with a great company and especially in Michigan since things are still pretty tough around here.  Hoping the economy will start to get better soon.  I do see signs of improvement which is good.  Yesterday was my last day at my old job and on the same day, they also laid off another employee that did what I do for a living and it really stinks.  I feel extremely bad for him.  It's one of those happy/sad moments.  I'm happy to be moving on but sad that this had to happen on the same day.

I'll finish with a little running joke I heard:

How do crazy runners go through the forest?

They take the psycho path!  Bada bing!  Sorry, very elementary school, I know.

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 5, 2011

Man vs Nature

Thanks for all the great comments from yesterday's post.  I thought it was a really boring post but you guys seemed to like it.  I really like having pictures in my posts.  It makes things much more interesting.  The problem is that I'm running in the dark during the week so not much to see.  Regardless, I don't live near lakes or mountains so I don't have the view some of you get on a daily basis when running.
Wishing I ran by this everyday!
Anyway I hope I inspired some of you to get out there.  I have really come to accept the weather whatever it may be and the more I run in the dark, the more I enjoy it.  Until yesterday, I did not realize how much I actually enjoyed running when it was dark out(after running for a week in daylight when I was on vacation)  I know it's not for everyone, especially the ladies, who are nervous about phycho's out there and I can completely understand that.

It just works for me.  I have said it in the past - when I run in the morning when it's dark, my brain does not catch up in time for it to know I have run so I can get it done with no problems(usually)

By the way, the widget for dailymile is working again!  Yeah!

Well today I went on another four mile run.  It was another cold run - colder than yesterday at 25 degrees but it was clear out.  One thing that is nice is that all the snow is melted here in Detroit when we had a short warm up.  When the snow and ice was piled on, I had to change(limit) the ways that I could run so I did not have to run through snow.  We have been very fortunate in the weather department except for the cold.

The first mile was business as usual - way too fast.  I always start off this way and it never feels like I'm going that fast.  Then I see my split - oops!  Then I try to slow it down a little and at least get it to over 8 minute pace.  I really need to work on the pacing for my marathon.  There is no way I'm going to be able to keep an 8 or 8:30 pace for 26 miles.  I almost killed myself doing it for a half marathon.  I'm going to start working on that especially on my long run.  Today was another good run - in the words of Adam Richman -  in this epic battle of Man vs. Nature.......


Have a great day everyone and.......Keep Running!(See how pictures make it much more interesting)

Jan 4, 2011

Great Run

I had a really great run today.  Only 4 miles but I'm sure you have all had those runs where you finish and feel like you could do much more.  Of course, I could have done much more since I only did 4 miles.   I didn't do more though- trying to stay smart in the New Year to not hurt myself and stick to my training plan.  It sounds funny to say "only" 4 miles or "easy" run.  There was a time that 4 miles was never easy or fun.  Perhaps some of you are at that place but I can attest that it gets better and easier.

I also want to thank the lone runner out there this morning.  I saw your footprints in the snow but didn't see you but that kept me going out there knowing that someone else was out there before me.

It was nice weather(Not Chris K nice but nice :)) - about 32 degrees with a few snow flurries.  I don't mind the snow when it's not windy out so it's not going into my eyes.  There was a little snow on the ground but nothing much so it was not slippery out either.  We have been very lucky this year and not had huge amounts of snow.

As you have seen on my blog, I post my daily workout's on dailymile.  I really like tracking everything there but if you have noticed, dailymile has not been updating their widgets.  I don't know if anyone else is having the same issue.  I'm not sure what the deal is but my last run was today and I hate seeing it not updated.  I sent them an e-mail so hopefully they will fix it soon.

I have some great news as well.  One of the people that I am helping motivate with running signed up for her first half marathon in October.  I did a 5k with her in November that was her first 5k.  She wants me to be her coach which I'm not really sure what that entails but I agreed to help her.  I know that many of you have coaches.  I have been helping keep her motivated and giving her articles but I'm certainly not qualified to be a coach.  Her thoughts are since I lost all this weight that I can help.  Perhaps I can give advice and guidance but I don't see myself as a coach.  Jeez - I'm not even in the shape I really want to be.  I can't see telling other people what to do.  I am really happy to see her progress and can't wait to see her at the finish line in October.

Also, I see I have gotten many new followers in the last week or so and I want to say welcome.  I hope you enjoy reading about my journey to a marathon as much as I enjoy writing about it.  I know many of you are followers because I follow your blog.  I'm following quite a few and try to keep up!

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!

Jan 3, 2011

Songs - need help

Did 10 miles on the exercise bike today and worked out on the Bowflex.  Here's my view!

Today what I really, really need is some new suggestions for songs for my ipod.  I have grown tired of the songs that I have on there now.  I even know what the next song is before it starts.  That tells you how long they have been on there.  Anyway, if you have time, please give me a couple of your favorite songs to run to so I can try them out.  Thanks, in advance, for your input.

Have a great day and......Keep Running!

Jan 2, 2011

2011 race commitments already!

Yesterday, I signed up for three half mary's for 2011.  The first is the CF Rocks Half Marathon that is in March.  It is their inaugural race so I am excited to be one of the first runners to run this.  It takes place on an island called Grosse Ile in Michigan just south of Detroit.  It will have fantastic views of Canada and Detroit off the Detroit River and should be a great race.  Early sign up is only $35 - an excellent bargain for a half marathon.  If anyone is close, I would recommend it.  Actually, the organizer, Emily Schaller was in September 2010 Runner's World.

The second race I signed up for was the Let's Move Festival of Races Half Marathon.  This is another inaugural event in Mt. Clemens.  I'm excited about this one because I worked in Mt. Clemens so I know the area well.  It should be a great run since much if it is near the river so the views should be great.  Early sign up was only $40 - another great bargain for a half marathon.

The third race I signed up for was the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon.  Since I did the relay last year, I know part of the course but I really want to run over the bridge so I'm excited to run this race as well.  It should be a really fun race.  It's not until October but signing up early gets you in for only $45 which is great!  While it's $10 more than the CF half, I can't even imagine the logistics to close an international bridge and tunnel, can you?

The other race I am committed to is the Bayshore Marathon but most of you already knew that.  I can't wait for this one since it's my first full.  I had to sign up for this in December just to get in.

You can see the rest of the races I plan on doing so far in 2011 on my Dailymile race widget.

Today, 6 miles was on the schedule and that's exactly what I completed.  I can say that I already miss the warm weather.  It was a cold 32 degrees(with a wind chill in the teens-stupid wind)out but this is what we expect in Michigan.  You never know what you are going to get from day to day.

I'm also still in the process of reading Extreme Running.  So far it's very interesting.  It has a great explanation of each of the races in detail.  I still have not read one that I'd be willing to run - there are some seriously crazy people doing these races.  Who thinks up this shit?  The only bad comment I have right now is the print is very small.  I know it's a small book but jeez, I'm not that old and it's hard for me to read.

What about you?  Have you committed to any races yet for 2011?

Have a great day and......Keep running!

Jan 1, 2011

First run of the year!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

Wow, what an incredible first run of the year!  It was 52 degrees when I stepped outside for my run this morning.  Only about 25 degrees warmer than it has been here in Detroit.  It was nice to go out there with only one layer on.  I know many of you would wear shorts in this weather but I opted for a long sleeve tech shirt from my Turkey Trot run and a pair of summer tights.  You can actually wear these things in 80 degrees but then who would want to?  It was also nice to wear normal socks instead of wool socks and a normal hat instead of a beanie.  Too bad this weather is not going to last - it's supposed to be 25 degrees with a wind chill of 11 tomorrow for my run!  Jeez!

Today I ran 6 miles for the Miami New Year's Fun Run 2011 Virtual Race.  Amanda at Run to the Finish had a virtual race and since I had a six miler  planned for today anyway, I figured what the heck.  I finished in 48:58.  I'm not officially in the point system they are doing but figured why not join in on the fun.

Have a great Day and......Keep Running!