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Feb 18, 2011

Corktown - the race my heart is at

No rest day today.  Did six miles outside this morning in the much milder weather.  That damn wind was something fierce - really slowed me down.  I decided to run today so I could rest on Saturday and be ready for my 11 mile long run on Sunday.  I'm actually thinking of changing my rest day to Saturday permanently so I have that day of rest before the long run.  I just feel so much better running that long run when I've rested the day before.

Yesterday I decided to sign up for the Detroit Corktown 5k.  Check it out here.  This is the only 5k I have on my schedule this year but it's a great one.  Now, I don't typically like running huge races(and this is a huge one) I also really enjoy longer races normally as well.  But - there will probably be over 5,000 people which is big for a 5k but I really like the race for the following reasons.

1.  It was the very first race I have ever done(and my goal is to run it every year until I can't run anymore or it doesn't exist anymore)
2.  The crowd is really a fun crowd with lots of costumes
3.  The spectators are awesome - beer offers, food offers and lots of support cheering
4.  Where it's at - Detroit - I do loving running in Detroit.  It's not the most scenic route but it's an area with lots of history behind it.
5.  We get to drink FREE beer after the race.  Now I won't promise I will actually do that but it's a cool gesture.
6.  It's right before the St. Patrick's day parade.  Last year I did not stay for it because it was cold and raining(except for the race believe it or not)  It rained all before and after the race so we left but I wouldn't mind staying to see the parade this year.
7.  It's only $25 and you get a cool tech shirt - I use last years all the time and will likely run in it this year.
8.  It was not only my first race ever but the first race my family came to see me at - they won't be there this time but that's Ok, I don't expect them to come to most.  Actually they will likely only go to one this year and that's my marathon.  Frankly, I can't imagine sitting around waiting 4-5 hours for someone to finish running - pretty boring.
9.  I get to run this year with a woman I know that I helped inspire and get her into running.  She's having her family come down to watch her with her kids coming to their first race.  How exciting for her!!!!!
10.  Finally, the temperature is usually in the 40's which will be perfect for racing!

Have a great day and.......Keep running!!!!


  1. Sounds like a fun and festive race. Enjoy!

  2. That sounds like a great 5k! I hope you have fun!

  3. That's a very cool story. I think it's cool to do a race that you have some sort of emotional tie with. It sounds like a really fun time and very cool that it will be your friends first race. Best of luck to both of you!

  4. Enjoy the 5K!

    I moved my rest day to the day before my long runs when I trained for the Chicago Marathon. If it makes the quality of your logn run better by having that rest day on Saturday, move it!! Your long runs are key to marathon training, and although they are ran a slower pace, you definitely want to get the most of out the mileage.

  5. mmmmmmm...beeeer....;)

    I agree with Stephanie...schedules are made to be adjusted and adapted.

    Hal H. does encourage doing the weekend "sandwich runs" as it builds better endurance.

    I found that after I built up the mileage (on his schedule) I could go back to them and nowI like them.

    Have a great time at Corktown!

  6. Sounds like a great race! I love a race with character! :)

  7. Thanks everyone. Steph/Paul - I appreciate the advise.

  8. Hi Jeff! I found your blog thru a friend and I love it! I grew up in Detroit and my first 5k was the Stuffing Strut on Thanksgiving morning, and then the next year I ran the Turkey Trot as my first 10k! Thanks for writing about Detroit!

  9. Sounds like a cool race!! I am never able to drink the post-race beer! It always makes me feel nauseous.
