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Feb 15, 2011

Vacation run?

I did my regular three miler this morning.  It felt good to run somewhere familiar and just run without thinking.

Do you run while on vacation?  We are planning a summer vacation and I am debating about running during it.  We are thinking a drive out to Maine and stops in Hershey, PA; Boston, MA, New York, NY and Kennebunk, ME.  All seem like great places to run and I would hate to miss out on running in them but trying to be respectful of family time on vacation also.  I used to get up early and run but it woke everyone up so that doesn't work out well.  Our alternative is Myrtle Beach which is probably nice for running but I"m not so sure about that in the summer.  Thinking about just taking off a week of running or just run once or twice.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Of course you run on vacation! That's how I find the nearest BEvERage store.

  2. I ran 40 miles on my honeymoon, but then again, so did my husband.

    We're going on vacation to North Carolina this summer and it's right smack dab in the middle of when I should be training for my marathon, so I'm going to have to figure out how to fit in runs. I figure, since it's a family reunion, there will be so many people there, no one will notice if I'm gone for a couple of hours. Either that or I'll have to run so early in the morning to stay cool that no one will be awake.

  3. Maybe you could run in the evening sometimes?
    It's a family vacation. I would put family first for sure, but if there's a little time....

  4. I ran in Boston while I was there for a conference, and it was wonderful. Running along the Charles River is almost as nice as running along the Mississippi.

  5. I always run when I am on vacation or out of town. I love the chance to experience new running environments!

  6. I always run on vacation! It's a great way to see the area.

  7. I occasionally run on vacation. Just depends on the type of vacation.

  8. I lived in Myrtle Beach for 2 years and in the summer you would have to get up before the sun if you didn't want to run in extreme humidity. I never ran on the beach so I can't speak to that (that sounds awesome actually)

  9. Have your family run with you, will be a week off from normal training.

  10. Great places to run!! Definitely run in Boston!! :) I usually run while on vacation. I think it's a lot of fun!

  11. I ALWAYS run on vacation and also try to find a race in my destination. But...I do it all very early in the morning so as not to impact the family's activities. go for it!

  12. I'm the same as misszippy and never miss a run while on vacation. Just as I do at home every day I go between 4 and 6 AM. Running in other locations is great.

  13. An excellent topic.

    I do run on vacation, but I do have to dial back the miles. Seems every marathon peaking has always had some trip that I've had to work with.

    .on the other hand we often do a *ton* of walking on our trips which is good cross training.

    I also try to hit a mini-peak of hard training just before leaving because I know I won't be able to run as much as normal...hence I can use it as a stepback week.

  14. maybe they could ride bikes and go along with you?

  15. My husband and I have started planning our vacations around races we want to do. Disney, Vegas, Kaui....

  16. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I'll figures something out but probably a step back(way back) week :)

  17. i definitely try to run on vacation. i totally think that it's a great way to explore a city. i've never traveled while training though, this weekend will be a first for me, but i'm not going to sweat it too much. hopefully ;)

  18. I love vacation runs because I am so into running around new places.

  19. If you go to Boston, you have to run there.
