
May 17, 2011

Incredible two years....

4 miles on the schedule.....4 miles?  Yes, 4 miles.  That's what I did today.  I'm into tapering and it's feeling good!  It seems weird to stop at 4 though.  I do, however, remember my first run almost two years ago of two house lengths!  Haha!


If you were to ask me two years ago if I wanted to run a marathon, I would have given this look to you:

May 2009 - It's really me!

Then I probably would have sat down and did exactly what I doing here and laughed my butt off.  Laughing would have been the only way I was going to get rid of my butt at that time because I certainly was not going to exercise to do it.  Haha!

May 2009

I think I see a beer theme going on here?  Well, now if you had asked me a year ago, I might have laughed because I was only doing my first 10k seen below:

May 2010

But I would have have thought about it.  Actually, I still probably would have thought you were crazy but it would be in the back of my mind.

So now, with only about 25 miles to go, over 60 pounds lost, changed eating habits, thousands of miles run, hundreds of hours of time taken up, months of early mornings and beerless evenings, lots of Saturday morning long runs with my running buddy, and 13 races run including three half marathons......THE big one...the Full.....26.2 will be here!!!!!

April 2011
......and I'm still thinking....Am I'm crazy? least I'm a crazy runner who has trained well(?) for the race.  I'll have run over 625 miles this year by the time the race starts on May 28th and I hope that gave me what I needed to meet my goals.  It's out of my hands now.  It's been an unbelievable two years and the next 11 days I'll be busting at the seems except this time it will be in excitement, not because my clothes don't fit!

Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!!!!


  1. Not crazy...amazing! Congratulations! You're going to...and have done incredible!!

  2. Incredible. Enjoy the culmination of your work-with more to come!!

  3. Congrats on your weight loss and your running progress!!

  4. Congrats Jeff! What an amazing transformation! You've done an amazing job and you'll be awesome at that marathon!

  5. This is a great post! You totally are crazy, but we all are, so you're in good company!! You're going to rock it.

  6. AMAZING! I love the before and after pics :)

  7. I can't even believe that is you! Great job! You were already in shape when I started following this blog so I didn't know where you started from. Excellent job! You should be very proud.

  8. Jeff, you keep so many reaching for their goals with your story. That is amazing. You will be running that marathon with a huge smile on your face, and that's exactly how it should be.

  9. Awesomeness emanates from this post. Soak up this time and the whole experience. You've done well to get your miles in and to remain dedicated to this whole process. I have no doubt you will do well on race day.

  10. Congrats on your transformation! The body does amazing things. You just have to ask.

  11. Those pictures are incredible! Congrats on your weight loss and for turning your life around. You are going to kick this marathon's a**!

  12. I can't even believe that is you! You look amazing! What an inspiration you are.

    You are going to rock Bayshore!!

  13. HA! That first picture is priceless... Dang good on you for getting healthy!

  14. Thanks everyone for your comments. As you can see, I have really enjoyed the last couple years of challenges! You are all my inspiration!!

  15. What trip it must've have been from where you were to where you are. Very inspiring to me. Enjoy the experience of the marathon. What a celebration you will have at the finish!

  16. What a great journey! Amazing two year for you!

  17. You look completely different. It is amazing what a couple years can do when you put your mind to it! GL with your marathon.

  18. Congrats on the weight loss! You're going to rock Bayshore!

  19. You are in the exciting phase of training... the pase where you say is that all I want to run more... Don't worry the more is coming 26.2miles is that more. Now with the work done the marathon with but fun, and i can't wait to read about it.

  20. Jeff,

    That's amazing :-) Just wonder sometimes how you would look with another 60 lbs, now I know. See you on Sat. (RB..)

  21. Detroit Runner. Very good story. Thanks for sharing and good luck.

  22. NOt sure how I missed this when you first posted it - I am BEHIND on blogs. Just want to say GREAT JOB. You've come so far :)
