
May 20, 2011


3 miler today.  Wow, it's been 11 weeks since I've had such a short run in my schedule.  I know it's only 3 miles but it's a nice confidence builder to finish feeling like you just woke up.

8 days and 15 miles of training runs to the big event!


Thanks to Kerrie at Mom vs. Marathon for the running sticker you sent me!  Check out her blog!  I'm really going to have to put together all of the running stickers and take pictures to show them off.  I can certainly attest that this sticker is the truth!  My wife said, "Why would you want a sticker about a mom?"  Doh!  Haha!  As you would guess, she's not a runner(and frankly did not read the sticker close enough)


I'm thinking of breaking my cardinal rule and bringing my ipod to the Marathon.  I always train with it and I know it's a small race so I'm a little worried about those last 6-8 miles.  I do truly love running without it in races though because it does keep me focused on the task at hand.  Well, I've got a week to think about it!


Question of the day:  Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts?  Dunkin' for me - I buy it at Costco actually!

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!!


  1. Dunkin Donuts! For some reason their coffee isn't molten lava hot and their hazelnut has actual flavor for me. My husband starbucks sludge. blah.

  2. Starbucks all the way for me! It's probably because I like the specialty drinks, though, dunkin just doesn't seem to do them as well.

  3. Starbucks, but only because they serve a much better tea! I don't like the coffee from either.

  4. 8 days! Well, I live in Seattle, so we're all about Starbucks out here. But me and my hubs love our Keurig and get this coffee called Donut Shop (we can buy the K-cups at Costco-lol). It's delish!

    PS: Thanks for the sticker shout out. 'Bout time I got those in the mail. Hahaha!

  5. I got Kerrie's sticker up on my fridge!! Love it! I don't frequent either one of those places.... I hate Starbucks coffee and it's so overprices. I haven't had Dunkin' coffee in ages, but I don't remember anything bad.

  6. I live in the Boston area so I'm loyal to Dunkin' - love their ice coffee. Starbucks' ice coffee always tastes like burnt ice water - not pretty!

  7. Neither, I like my coffee weak and both of there's is strong, however I have been known to go to Starbucks here and there and ask for their weakest coffee and have them cut it 50/50 with hot water. They look at me funny and more than one time I have been given the biggest size for the smallest size price :)
