
Sep 6, 2011

I'm famous...not really!

5 miles on the schedule today - done!...ouch, a cold one today at 51 with a feels like temperature of 46 degrees!  We go from 99 degrees to 46 degrees in a few days???  It actually did not feel this cold out there but I did wear long sleeves for the first time.


Hey, I'm famous!  Okay, at least in Northern Michigan.  So my wife is browsing through a local free paper when we were up north and she say's, "Here's the Waters festival that starts with a 5k."  They had a picture in there from last year's race.  There I was!  Haha.  This was a really small race, 48 people, so of course, I'm in the front.  I would never line up in the front but I did end up being one of the top runners(13th) in this race.  This is the race that I received a popsicle stick for my place.  Ha!  Here's the picture of the newspaper:

Ok, what's wrong with this picture?  I must be the only wuss that thought it was cold that day.  Come on, it was in the 40's - that's cold!  Haha!

It's funny I had to wait a year to get a picture from this race.  See the crowd, that's everyone!!!  Seriously.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!!


  1. haha very cool! That's famous in my book!

  2. Explain why a Michigan Runner is not in shorts and a singlet when it is in the 40's?

  3. That's totally famous! So cool! Did you put it on your fridge? :)

  4. You look totally tiny next to those two huge guys!

  5. It's the race experience that keeps on giving. Nice. And you gotta love free race pictures.

  6. That's an awesome find!! That would make me famous in my town!
