
Nov 5, 2011

Blogger or Wordpress?

Cross train on the schedule day instead.  My right leg has been a little tweaky lately and I think the rest today will help it.


I'm sorry to say I have not been a good blogger lately.  Yes, I have gotten out posts but I have not had the time to read the many blogs that I follow.  Did you know the maximum blogs on blogger you can follow is 300?  I hit that yesterday.  Wow!  There must be a way to change that?

So.....if you have been leaving comments on my blog and I have not responded to you or I have not commented on your blog, sorry!  I hope to try and catch up soon!


The other thing I have been thinking about is moving from Blogger to Wordpress.  I know that many of you are on Wordpress.  I would say that I'm what you would call technically handicapped.  Blogger does make things easy on the one hand but you can't necessarily customize it as much as Wordpress.  I have seen some of your blogs on Wordpress - Wow - they look incredible.  Perhaps it's time to get someone involved to help me get my theme updated.  I really need to get a logo - I wish I was more creative!  Anyone know someone that does that....for free would be nice.  Haha!

I've considered investing the time to learn how to use Wordpress and some HTML programming so that I can customize things a little more but can't say I'm ready for that time commitment right now.  I'd rather be running.

Question of the day?  Blogger or Wordpress and why?

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!!


  1. Google Reader lets you subscribe to as many blogs as you wish. And Wordpress is awesome.

  2. I have heard so many great things about Wordpress - but if I'm honest, I'm just too lazy to make the switch! I definitely not very knowledgable about technology so if I can get a post out each day on Blogger I count myself lucky!

  3. I use both. Wordpress for work and blogger for fun. I highly prefer blogger.

  4. Blogger is working just fine for my purposes so I can't stomach the stress of changing over. I am a technospazz of the highest order.

    Good luck w/ your decision :)

  5. I'm on blogger now and it's easy enough to use, but I too have been contemplating a switch. I tried some themes from other websites, but I really like the header I designed for my logo and I can not make it work with any of the other themes. I guess the 1st thing would be to buy a domain so a switch would be easier. Anyway, looking forward to see what you decide.

  6. I just made the switch to WP and like it a lot better than blogger. I had help so the switch was super easy.

  7. If Blogger is working for you, stick with it for now.

  8. I tend to follow the blogs through google reader which works well for me. I don't think there is a limit. The only comment I have about blogger is I have had trouble commenting on some of their blogs lately. Just random ones too. Kind of frustrating.

  9. I say stay with what you've got. I know what you mean though about customizing. I rely on my hubby to help me do mine.
