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Nov 16, 2011

WTF Wednesday....11.16.11 edition

5 miles on the schedule today....done!!!!  Still not bad outside for November.


It's back....WTF Wednesday:

Not really running related although I would say I'm not looking forward to running in that weather.  I'm also not sure about that beer part.  Haha.....WTF!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. I am with you on that one! I hate running when it is crappy out,, but I don't own a treadmill so out I go in all but the worst weather!

  2. Love it! I actually enjoy running in snow. I'm originally from Wisconsin and I believe that 2% would go up there! HA!

  3. Dude that is so what running is about! I'm referring to the BEvERage........ HA

  4. Ken - beverage yes; drinking in the car, no.
