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Jan 18, 2012

I'm back....

5 miles on the schedule today.  Done.  Ok, when I say I'm back, I guess I never left.  It's just that this is one of those rare times I have taken off 3 days in a row off running/exercise(except after a marathon).  Really I only missed one day of running.  I'm feeling much better and happy to be back to running again.  Now if it weren't 21 degrees with a wind chill of 6 degrees.....I hate that damn wind!
If you didn't see yesterday's post, I've got a great giveaway going on right now.  Check it out.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. So hopefully that means your calf felt okay during the run! That wind is awful this morning

  2. The wind has also been blowing a bit in the evening over here, but the temp has been in the 100's. Yes it's been hot...

    Good that you calf is better.
