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Feb 11, 2012

Running in a winter wonderland pictures

9 miles on the schedule today.  Ended up doing 10 miles instead.  Crazy since this is the coldest run I have done probably since I started running almost three years ago.  The wind was blowing like crazy!  18 with 0  wind chill.  I had to pull out the Balaclava today for a ninja run.  You know it's cold when I pull that thing out.  I only saw about 10 people for the first 5 miles then coming back there were more.  All runners(actually saw two bikers too) - we are insane.  I even saw one guy at the beginning of my run wearing shorts - SHORTS in this weather!  I thought I was crazy just for being out there.

I decided to bring my camera to take some shots at Stony Creek.  I don't usually bring it but my running buddy was sick today so I was alone and decided, why not get some nice winter pictures to pass the time.  I started out running and when I got to the first spot to take the picture about 2 miles into the was too cold!  So I kept running and finally once I warmed up at about mile 5, I was able to get some great pictures.

So,'s running in a winter wonderland at Stony Creek(except for the first picture)
Another use for duct tape.
Works great to keep your feet warm when the
wind chill gets that low.  First time I used it this year! 
About mile 5 just after I climbed that hill by the nature center
Coming back down the hill again.
Still coming down the hill; see the ninja!
How do you like the glasses?  I'll have a review soon!
There's actually nature(Ducks!) near the nature center
even in these temps!
Ready to climb!
This is the trail around the lake.  Still pretty snowy.
It was worse in other spots.
A little creek right off the 6 mile loop trail.
You have to stop and smell the roses once in awhile.
River running by the 6 mile loop. 
I thought it looked cool!
I like the floating ice 
Almost back; about mile 9; lake is still not frozen
The thing I love about Stony Creek and Michigan is that you get to see the same area in quite a different perspective each season.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!!