
Mar 29, 2012

Spring or Winter?

8 miles on the schedule today....done!


We've had some crazy weather in Michigan this year.  Our winter, like much of the country, has been unbelievably good with very little snow.  I think I shoveled twice!  Also, March has been cold, then warm, then really warm, then cold then warm.  Mother nature can't seem to decide what it should be.

Yesterday morning I decided to get to work a little early because I wanted to take some pictures of the awesome looking bradford pear trees near my office.  It sure looks spring in this picture, don't you think?

It makes me imagine what it would be like to run in Washington DC right now with all the Cherry Blossom trees.  That must be a great experience running through all those trees.


So my running buddy and I decided not to run our local half marathon this year, The Brooksie Way.  It's close to both of us and is a great race but the biggest issue is that it falls right on the weekend we have a 20 miler plus it's also two weeks before the marathon.  I think since we are already doing a half marathon two weeks before the Flying Pig(and can't race it), we figured we'll just run our 20 and be happy with that.  Perhaps I'll find another race that fits in on a better weekend.  Of course, we could always get up early, run 7 miles and then do the race as a training run but I'm not sure I really want to do that(and I don't think he wants to either)  So the search for a half marathon begins to help fill out the rest of my season.  I'm booked for the rest of the year otherwise.

I also posted a new photo on Detroit Runner Photography if anyone is interested.

Have a great day and....Keep Running


  1. Those pear trees are beautiful!

    I am having a hard time giving up a favorite race three weeks before my first marathon, it is a 10k and I really wanted to do it again this year to beat last years time, which was my first 10k ever, I thought about using it as a training run but just know I wouldn't be able to either. Good luck finding more races!

  2. Funny you mention about making a half as part of a training run. I am doing the martian marathon this year, and I am planning to make it part of my 18 miler, so am going to get there early and try to time it right and run 5 miles and then get in line at the start for 13.1 more. I have done this before once, and I got lucky and it worked out. It's a great way to get crowd support and aid stations for a training run, but bad on the ego since I'm not racing it but getting timed.

    1. Yeah, not really worried about time but just can't see starting a run then stopping, waiting for the race to start, then going again.
