
Mar 7, 2012

That's it, I'm stumped....

4 miles on the schedule today....done!  It's going to be in the upper 50's in Michigan today!  Yeah!


Ok, you got me....for what you say?  I'm stumped.  Of course, for one that writes on their blog daily, what more could you expect?  I mean really....can you really talk about running EVERY day?  Ok, maybe some of you can but I can't.  Not that I have not tried.
I'm in that stage.  The stage of waiting for my first race to start.  I'm ready.  I'm more than ready.  Bring it on!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Hmmmm.....well hmmm...that's all I'll say.

    1. You too huh? Ha! I'll be back tomorrow! Hey - were half way through training for the Flying Pig! Can't wait to meet you and Jim!
