
Apr 16, 2012

Hyland Post #16 - Embrace the Taper

Rest day on the schedule today; however, I decided to run 5 this morning because I cannot run tomorrow due to a work obligation.


Here's a recap of week #15 of 18 weeks of marathon training:

Miles Run:  43.11 miles
Days Run:  5 days
Cross Training:  None
Time Training:  6 hours and 21 minutes


The past week was the last tough week of training.  Not only did I complete my second 20 miler on Saturday, I also ran a half marathon at a decent pace.  I'm happy to be done with that 20 miler and look forward to running a little less.  I'm now lucky enough to enter the taper phase of the training.  Maybe you might call it unlucky if you don't embrace the taper but I do embrace it.  The next couple weeks are a reward for my legs for all the hard work I've put them through the last 15 weeks.  That's 504 miles, in case you were wondering, since I first started training for the Flying Pig and my legs are ready for a break.

For those of you that have not gone through a taper period for marathon training, sometimes it can make you stir crazy.  It can even make you a grouch.  Yes, actually running less!  Haha!

You go from doing all this running to reduced training.  It's the much needed rest your legs deserve in order to perform well at the marathon but also plays with your mind because you think you should be out there running.  Ok, it's no guarantee you will perform well but I'm hopeful.  My goal for this continues to be the same and that is just to have fun.  I'm not going for any time goal this time around given the toughness of this marathon and I'm sticking to my story.  I'm just going to try and keep up with my running buddy, T.

The exception to my training this week is running a half marathon on Sunday.  Normally I would not put that in the schedule when tapering and being so close to the marathon.  I really wanted to run this half marathon.  In addition, I had signed up for the half before I knew I was even doing the marathon.  No racing the half but it will be a fun one!

If you are also entering the taper mode, embrace it.....your legs will pay you back for it on marathon day.  And try not to be a grouch.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. I am with you on this Jeff, tapering starts today and I am so ready to embrace it! Have a good week and good luck on Sunday!

  2. Enjoy your taper. I'm interested to see how you do your half this wekeened, it would be so tempting to race it during taper madness.

    1. Under 2 hours but not far under. I've done 5 half's - all under 2 so I need to keep that streak. Other than that have fun. No PR - it's too fast before the marathon.

  3. I have to admit I was more than ready for taper for my first marathon!! I wasn't a grouch at all. I was ready.

    Enjoy the rest. Hope we see you at the Pig!

  4. I'm not that good at tapering.... but I can take a single week off running hard! That said years ago I loved the fact that you could stop running when you still felt good, but back then I was running really hard. That gives me an idea for a post, maybe I should write one of those posts from the past!!!

    enjoy the easy weeks, after your 15 week build up you have earned it.
