
Apr 13, 2012

Looks like I'm not running Boston....

Rest day on the schedule today.....


Well, it looks like another year for me not running Boston.  Haha!  Ok, not that I've been trying or anything.  I want to congratulate all the runners who follow Detroit Runner that have qualified and will be running Boston this year.  I wish I was closer to the area so I could come out and cheer all of you on and enjoy the atmosphere.  You are going to do great!

So last year, my suggestion was to start a new race on the same day in the opposite direction called the "I'm not fast enough to qualify for the Boston, Boston Marathon"  Can't qualify?  Run this!  Hah!

So in that spirit, I'll be running the Martian Half marathon on Saturday instead.  I'm in for 20 miles that day and get to run it with this guy or at least the first 1/3 of the miles.  Many of you know him as the author of a great running book, The Jade Rabbit.  It will also be nice to have the race help me through those miles.  I'm planning a long slow run which is hard for me to do at a race but my foot has been bothering me so slow is the way to go.  I don't want to screw up anything with everything I've got going this season.

The weather forecast for Saturday?  Rain and Wind.  Nice.  I've run in it all but not for three hours.

A little prayer for good weather please.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Well, it says 50% chance of there's a 50% chance of NON-precipitation. Hope for that! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the shout out Jeff. And thanks for agreeing to hold an umbrella over both of us as we run. What a great guy you are.

    (But never fear, Never been rained out and it won't start tomorrow!)
