
Apr 1, 2012

Love the 20!

20 miles on the schedule today.  Now I'm not going to say it was easy but it "seemed" easier than other 20 mile runs I have done in the past.  I tried something new on this run.  I ate 3/4 of a candy bar and my running buddy ate the rest.  It was the Planters Peanut Bar.  Sweet and salty all in one.

Way better than energy gels or blocks.  I still ate four energy Shot Bloks, and I do still like them, but the candy bar was a great change of pace.  We're going to try them again on our next 20 miler in two weeks as well.  I think I'm going to try Pay Day though - a suggestion from one of my DM friends online.

I think the combination of getting up early to eat a decent breakfast - a banana and two granola bars, the candy bar and the Shot Bloks, helped take me to the end strong.  I finished the last three miles well under marathon pace and still feel strong writing this.  I think the other issue is that my timing was on average a  9:28 mile which helped not hit the legs so hard.  In addition we ran the Paint Creek Trail which is softer with a little bit of hills thrown in on Tienken Road.  Usually, I'm shot after this run.

It was also nice to see Matt from Faster than a Turtle and his wife, Janet.  Matt is way too fast for us so I briefly said hi and let him get back to his run.  Janet was running our pace so we ran for a couple miles so it was nice to learn what they were training for and how running was going.  They live close to the trail which is so nice - I wish I could walk to the trail and go.  This helped make the time go by a little faster as well - at least for a few miles.

Our run today was North on the trail then we ran up Tienken, West about a mile and came back, so we could get in some hills.  We proceeded up the trail until it ended in Lake Orion, turned around and ran back to Rochester.  It's one of my favorite runs.  It was a little colder than I expected today but overall a great day for a run.  Of course, I'm not sure I have a bad day for a run.  Ha!

Hope your weekend went well too!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Glad to hear you had such a solid run! It was nice to meet you and get to chat for a couple miles at least. I thought I'd do 10 today and ended up doing 12 after heading farther with you, but it went well and you helped bump my mileage up a bit. :) It was easier for those couple miles at least! Hope to catch you for another run sometime.

    1. Glad to help push you a little. Be happy to run with you again!

  2. Glad to hear it went well, now it sounds like you have a solid plan in place. You may not even need me this time!

    1. NOOOOO!!! I need you at the Pig Ken. I already made reservations for you in Grand Rapids too! Haha!

  3. You may have heard me say this before, but a Kit-Kat is the greatest long run replenisher. Easy to digest. I also bought some Hammer brand gels which are supposed to be more natural and less of a spike and bonk. I'm doing 18 tuesday morning before work starting at 6 am.

    1. I have heard you Mark but the Chocolate I don't think I can do. 18 before work? Crazy!

  4. I probably rode right past you. I went from Orion down Paint Creek Trail to Stoney Creek and back earlier today.

    1. We were on the trail from about 8 to 11:10am

    2. I got out there about 11:30. Just missed you.

  5. MMmmm.. Peanut Bar. Will have to keep that in mind for my long runs.

    Great job on your run!!

  6. Great job today! It was nice seeing you this morning...sorry we didn't have a chance to chat more. Maybe Janet and/or I can join you for part of your next long run on the PCT.

    I'm glad you had a great 20-miler today, ran the last few miles under marathon pace, and felt good after the run. Over the last couple of months, I've learned to really appreciate a good long run! It's great that you found a nice combination of stuff to eat before and during this run. I'll have to try a Planters Peanut Bar one of these weekends.

  7. LOl...Hmmm. This is something new to try!! I just some new bars from Complete runner I am going to try first, but I think that peanut bar looks tastier!!
    Great Job getting out there! We had some good weather today.
