
May 11, 2012

Weber Grill song and Ultra running

2 mile walk....done!


You guys every see that Weber grill commercial where everyone is dancing.  It's a really catchy song.  You can download that full song HERE.  I put it on my ipod.  It's a great song to run to.
As some of you know, I'm getting into trail running.  If you were ever thinking of doing an Ultra run, you have to check out this video.  I'm in!  Well, after I'm fully rested.  At least for trail running - the Ultra - that's another story.  Haha!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Yay for trail ultras! Thanks for the video, really nice.

  2. That's an awesome video! I've not done much trail running but it's one of my goals for the summer and warmer weather. The trails are kind of a distance away so it is harder to commit to it. I've been very interested in the Keys 100 since I found out about it...
