
Jun 2, 2012

Shirt collages

Crosstraining day on the schedule.  Took a rest day today.  I'm really hoping for a good long run tomorrow without any issues with my foot.


So I was playing around with PicMonkey and making a couple collages and decided to show off the shirt designed I've received from my racing.

The first picture is all the shirts from races other than marathons in no particular order:
Click to enlarge
The second picture is my marathon shirts(Bayshore #1, Detroit #2, Flying Pig #3):
Click to enlarge
I think they are all unique in their own way.  Most I use to train with.  Some I don't wear at all.  Some I wear when not training - the cotton ones which is not very many.  What's your favorite shirt you have received from a race?

I sure don't need anymore shirts.  It would be nice to get something else.  I got socks with the Bayshore marathon for example and I do use them because they are Fitsok brand and fit me well.  I think tech hats would be a great finisher's item.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. I like my TC 10 Mile shirt. Much better than my Fargo marathon shirt even. Hoping that this years TC Marathon shirt is awesome!

  2. Cool shirt collection! I did a 5 miler here in town where they gave towels instead of shirts.
