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Aug 9, 2012

Three things Thursday....8/9/12 edition

1) Ran 4 miles today.  I love a short run in the morning.  8 on the other - only if I get a sky like this.
Don't see many like this in the morning - mostly I just get dark skies.
2) Why is it that of all the Olympics I watch, it always seems like Beach volleyball is all that's on?  Jeez - how about more track please?  I'm not getting up at 5am on a Sunday either unless I'm the one doing the running.

3) My next three weekends include long runs on trails and a trail half.  If you need to see, look for trails!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Yeah and if it's going to be volleyball, let it be Brazil.......... HA

  2. oh my gosh, that first picture is gorgeous! I wish the sky looked like this for every morning run

  3. I also have this thing of switching on the telly when all the wrong sports are on. Luckily we are just one hour before London so the viewing times are alright.

  4. Good luck with the trails! I need to get some more miles out in the woods. Always ends up being a good workout!

  5. I can't wait for the Olympic to be over, I'm tired from late night after late night... I need to get to bed early next week...

    Did you see the 200m and the 800m last night or yesterday morning or whenever it was US time... roll on the Marathon this Sunday!

    1. Coach - I did see the 800m last night - AWESOMENESS!!!! Kenyans - running is in their blood! Just amazing. I was trying to explain to my son how fast he was running.
