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Dec 1, 2012

November Recap

10 miles today out at Stony Creek Metropark.  It's our regular stomping grounds especially as Winter starts to set in.  Ran with my new jacket and beanie this morning and it was perfect out there for it.

---------------'s the November recap:

108 miles of running; not as bad as I thought it was going to be but the lowest since May.  I guess that makes sense.  My running the month after a marathon is always the lowest for me.

25 miles of biking;  Ha!  Not much but then again, if you looked at the last several months the last time I biked was in August and that was only for 10 miles.

3 weights sessions; I would have like to get in four but I just started it three weeks ago and have done one per week.

How did you do for November?

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Just came across your blog and I love it! I tend to follow women runner blogs more than men (not to be discriminatory), but this is a great, balanced, not-macho blog. I am hooked!

    1. Thanks Amy. Hope you enjoy. No macho here - just good running conversations.

    2. Yep, good running conversations are where it's at! As I asid before, I am here and I am hooked!

  2. I really haven't looked at my official tally for Nov, but it's probably not great...well maybe not horrible since I did do 2 half marathons this month. But my activity levels have been way down. I'm hoping Dec will be a big month for me. My 5K a day Challenge should definitely help with that. Now if I can just get myself back to the pool.

    1. Michael - good luck with your challenge. I can't run everyday. It's just not in me.

  3. Nice month!!

    I tallied mine up this morning and was shocked to see that it read 145! My goal was 130 and wasn't sure if I would meet that.
