
Jan 31, 2013

January Recap

3 miles on the schedule today.  Done!  I believe winter is back!  Yikes another very cold(20's) and windy(20-45mph) run today made for a REALLY cold run.  I hate running in wind but I'm happy it was dry outside.  Had to watch the little puddles because they are all frozen over and made for a little trickier run.


It's really hard to believe that January is over.  Really?  Already?  Anyway, I think I had a pretty decent month considering I'm not even training for a marathon these days.  Here's how the month looked:

Click to enlarge
Miles run:  102 miles!  Wow.  I didn't really even think I'd be close to that.

Races:  1 - Freeze Your Franny 5k.  First race I've ever done in January.

Mile biked:  Zero!  Nope; not into it yet since my hip could not take this AND running.

Strength workouts:  10; the most I think I've done in the last year.  I'm really trying to keep up with this to help keep up my overall fitness.  These have also helped improve my hip strength.

Yoga:  4 sessions.  I just started this in Mid January and I am really enjoying it.  It's not as easy as I thought it would be.  Just still doing this at home but I'd like to try a Yoga studio still and have a couple picked out when I'm ready.  My goal is to do Yoga at least once per week.

How did your month go?

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Good month with the cold winter you are having. My month started a little slow but went according to plan after that. Summer and heat waves over here so very different from yours.

  2. Wow, lots of miles and workouts. Great job! Your "lesser" mile Months are around my higher ones.

    I'm still trying to adjust to baby schedule, so mileage is still way down (as it has been for 4 months). Had a Strong run last weekend that gave me confidence that I haven't completely gone off a cliff. If I can get 4 workouts a week in of some sort, I think I'll be ready for Rock CF.

  3. Nice job on 10 strength training work outs. I know how hard it is to fit those in/make yourself do them. :-)

    My month finished around 170 miles. MUCH higher than I thought it would be.

  4. OK I run a little more than you, but I am thinking about a marathon and it is summer here... (317 miles) That said I run 7 days a week and don't do the other stuff, I don't have the energy or time once I'm finished running...

    Now February is a short month, so lets steel a couple of extra miles here and there and wee what the month holds!!!

  5. Coach - the max I've gotten to is 200 in a month and Frankly, it's because you pushed me(thanks by the way) I'll see how it goes this month but no marathon so less training for me. Plus, yes it is winter here and this one has been tough. Enjoy your summer! I'd be more inspired if I lived where you do.
