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Jan 13, 2013

Rest Day Sunday's

Rest day on the schedule today.  I'm feeling a need after yesterday's 10 miler.  Things were good.  I enjoyed my run at Stony Creek Metropark and slowed the pace down to about a 9:30 pace.  It was just what I needed.  Today, I'm feeling it on my hips a little but not too bad.  On a positive note, it was a scheduled rest day as I've changed up my schedule given I won't be running a marathon this spring.  It's actually been very nice to not have to worry about marathon training.


Here's a look at the new schedule.  For those of you familiar with Hal Higdon, you will see, it's pretty much the Intermediate half marathon training schedule.  While I love the Hanson's Marathon Method, their book focuses mostly on the full marathon and not the half.  I'd love to see them come out with second book discussing just the half training.  In the meantime, Hal Higdon's programs have been a staple in my training schedule.  Of course, I could have gone even further back and used one of his beginner programs but I didn't feel it was going to give me the challenge I needed.  In fact, I added a 15 miler in the program which he did not have in there.

Click on each above if you are interest in viewing it in more detail.  As you will notice, I still have speed work built into the program although I'm not sure I want to do that so I've kind of left that open as speed work or tempo run or if I'm not feeling it, I'll just run an easy run.

The other key difference is that I've included two strength session in the schedule as well which I always tend to slack on so I'm hoping I keep up with that this time around.  My rest days will always fall on a Sunday unless I have a race.  I'll be running the ShamRock 'n" Roll 10k and the Rock CF half marathon which are back to back weeks.  I've also got a 5k(which I'm not racing, just running) on 1/26 but I'm just going to include that race in my weekly miles.

I'll max out on this plan with a 15 mile long run and total miles that week of 32.  It will also give me 309 training miles.  I'm hoping it's enough to keep me running strong without getting hurt.  I have no illusions of having a PR on this schedule which is fine by me.  In fact, my plan is to slow down on my long runs as I did yesterday.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Looks like a good plan, Jeff, also, I am commenting from my new iPad mini so I am going to go back and look at that post of yours so I can learn to blog from here,

    1. Cool. I love apple products. Doing this from by iPad.

  2. Nice plan! I finally completed my final plan for the first part of 2013. I will post about it soon. I'm having a big year with the Comrades Marathon (89km) my first main goal on 2 June.
