
Jan 4, 2013

Wordless Friday?

Cross Training on the schedule today.  More "getting to know you Bowflex" and some Hanson's strength exercises.


Wordless Friday - Why?  Because I forgot about wordless Wednesday this week!  Ok, I guess it's not wordless now.

Here's my "freezing my ass off" running outfit for when it's 19 degrees and a wind chill at 11 degrees..  I ran in this for yesterday's run.  Normally I don't like to wear a Balaclava because it gets so hot running in it so I reserve it for when it's under 20 degrees.  Like yesterday!  This one is a new Balaclava though from my running buddy and I like this one much better than my other one I own.  It's much more comfortable and made by Under Armour.
The ninja look!
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Hey, which headlamp is that? Do you have a headlamp you recommend?

  2. I feel your cold man. I'm so ready for summer already!!

  3. If I see you running towards me in that get-up, I'm just gonna hand over my frozen wallet, no questions asked.

    1. Haha. Based on my height, you'd probably start laughing.
