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Jan 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 1/9/13

My son drew this and we turned it into a mousepad
I'm the winner
Shirt says "Running makes me happy"
Good theme - Keep Running, Live Long, Love Life - love it!
Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. That's great! My kids look out the window and point out runners who are faster than me, and they are always let down when I come home from a race and didn't win.

  2. Talk about inspirational for dad!

  3. oh my goodness, how sweet!! I love that you turned it into a mousepad. You'll always have it as a keepsake.

  4. You are going to have to make the next couple of races family outings, and have him on the side shorting at/for you...

  5. Awe..This is a keeper. It is fun to be in the mind of our children!
