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Feb 18, 2013

Happy President's Day!

3.5 miles on the schedule today. Went out to Stony to run on the trails - ended up with 3.14 miles.  I ran for Pi today.  Ha!  I'm testing out the Goats Head Gear running spikes. Full review forthcoming.
Thank you Mr. President for the day off
Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. you have the day off for te president's birthday? and then you only have a short run on that day... I always plan big runs on my off days!

  2. Haha. Yes, I imagine you would coach. Keep in mind - 1) It's winter here 2) I'm not training for a full 3) It's what was on the schedule for half training 4) If I ran like you, I would be dead by now. LOL.
