I usually use the shirt for this first picture but did not receive one(explanation below) |
Short Version:
Finished in 1:44:57(official time); no new PR
Overall place: 107/1118
Overall pace: 8:01/mile
Seven mile mark: 54:19(7:46 pace up to that point)
Age Group(M40-44): 8/66
Race #43
Half marathon #13
Overall, not a race I would run again. Awesome medal - one of my favorites but other than that, the race organization, communication, and course are something I'll leave for others to run until they make some changes.
Registration/Packet Pickup
Registration was very simple. The race had a website for information. Everything was done online at Active(dot)com. You could also send in your race registration as well. I was registered in minutes. I registered on June 25, 2012. Almost 10 months early. Normally I don't tell people when I register but it allows you to understand some of my frustration.
Since Lansing is about 1 hour, 45 minutes from me, I confirmed with the race director that there would, in fact, be race day pickup back in June before I registered. I was not interested in driving three and a half hours round trip to get my packet at the expo and then come back again. I actually confirmed that they were still having race day packet pickup again in November and was told yes or I could pick up at Playmakers(which was not actually true since another runner on Facebook said he went there and nothing was set up). I also confirmed again April 12th due to the Boston bombing to make sure and again was assured there would be race day packet pickup but to be there very early at 6:00am, subsequently told 6:30am then on Twitter Friday evening(which I just happen to see) was told that they could not guaranty race day pickup and to come on Saturday at the expo since Sunday pickup could not be guaranteed. I was not happy to say the least. That is the first time I've ever heard that in all my races - keep in mind this is #43 for me. Either it's offered or it's not. It's really very simple in my opinion. Here's what I read on Twitter:

Of course, I just happen to see this twitter request from another runner above Friday evening and could not believe it and was quite upset. Frankly, if there is ever going to be a change like this the day before the race, the race director should send out an e-mail to all registered runners notifying them of any changes. I was told on Twitter to call the volunteer coordinator and "she was making a personal sacrifice to help you out" since of course, there would be no guarantee.
Subsequently, I talked to the packet pickup volunteer(who was very nice and helpful by the way) and she confirmed that there would be race day pickup(not just for me obviously) but not until 7am and she guaranteed it would be open. There were issues with security due to the Boston bombings which is why it had to be for 7am.
This I could certainly understand. Frankly, I would have rather been told this instead of someone on race management making it out to be that a volunteer was making a personal sacrifice(which they are anyway - the very definition of a volunteer) to get me - and just me - my packet. It was nothing more than an attempt to make me feel bad for not coming to the expo the day before.
Fortunately, in the end, it worked out(well, sort of). I was able to park in the parking garage that was right across the street from the start which was very convenient. Parking was also free on Sunday's which also is a nice bonus. I was there early at 6:50am and the building was open and there were no issues getting in -- at all. In fact, there were lots of people picking up their packets on race day so really all the stress that was caused was for nothing except to make a client(a runner) angry for no reason really. The bottom on line - This could have been avoided had the race management had all the information on their website in a clear and concise manner when, in fact, it does not even mention race day pickup on the website.(which is why I had to e-mail the race director 10 months ahead to begin with)
As I came walking to the Lansing Center to get my packet, this is what I greeted with:
Security check point
Happy to do it. |
I guess I was not surprised that there would be heightened security the day of the race after the terrible events in Boston. By the way, I wore this on the back of my race shirt and got tons of compliments:
A half marathon for Boston - bib courtesy of Races2Remember via Facebook |
As I made my way into the Lansing Center, I also was greeted with this:
Large police presence |
The Lansing police/State police presence at this event were overwhelming. I expected it would be high but didn't realize until throughout the day that I've never seen this many police at an event ever. Of course, this was also one of the first marathons after Boston so I was happy to see the race management and police were taking things very serious to keep us safe. In fact, all over the place, people had on little ribbons that the race provided(but they ran out at the expo) and others had things like I did. It was a nice feeling to see everyone pull together.
As I went further into the building, I got to where race packet pickup was:
Expo sign |
Of course, the expo was yesterday all day so there was nothing set up for today except for the packet pickup which was fine by me. You grabbed your number and went to the pick up line. There were plenty of volunteers to help out and I was able to get my race packet right away and also pick up my buddy's race packet(since he could not attend but wanted his shirt)
New new race map which I'll explain later |
This area also had an area for volunteers to check in. According to the race management on Facebook, there were over 500 volunteers for this race. Now I have not managed a race before so I don't know every detail of this but that sounds like a tremendous amount of volunteers for a race with only over 2,000 runners. Of course, there were many more marshals on the course than I've ever seen due to security as well so perhaps that is why that many were needed. Regardless, all volunteers I met were very friendly, helpful and appreciative that runners were there to run the race. Of course, I appreciate all that the volunteers do for us runners on race day as well.
Volunteer check in |
At race packet pickup, there appeared to be plenty of volunteers for this task. As I picked up my packet, they said they were out of race shirts in Medium but they gave us something to fill out so they could mail them to us. I also tried to get my running buddy's packet and Small was also out. Wow! It appeared that there was a last minute demand for the race so they gave away all the shirts at the expo. This is the first race I've ever been to that ran out for pre-registered runners. Now to me there is no sense in getting angry at a volunteer like I've seen people do. I've volunteered for the race packet pickup job before and there's no fault of the volunteers for this issue so I just sign up for mailing and went on my way.
The race said they will make things right and get them out to people that did not get one and I applaud them for that; however, my primary issue is that they should not have given out race shirts to the people signing up at the expo to begin with. If you recall, I signed up in June 2012 yet someone last minute can come in because they could make it to the expo and sign up? It's really disappointing that the race management could not manage this better. Last minute registrations should ALWAYS be told that they have to wait until AFTER the race to see if there are shirts left, otherwise, the race would need to order them shirts after. To me, it's the only fair way to do things. So unfortunately, I won't be able to show you the shirt until I actually receive it in the mail. I will say that I saw lots of people wearing the shirt on race day and I really like the color(blue) and the design and it will be one that I will wear once I receive it.
Packet pickup - great volunteers! |
Start Area
After I took my packets back to the car, I was able to get a few pictures of the start area. The start area was very well organized as you can see below. It was also right next to the Lansing Center so all the runners were able to wait inside until just before the race started. I really feel this is an excellent place to start the race. It was a nice touch to see the American Flag hanging from the start line as well.
Start area - well organized |
Another reason it's a great place to start here is this is the Capital of Michigan. As you can see below, the Capital building is right near the start except we actually run the opposite way of the building but it's still a very nice area to start a race. In addition, before the race, they did a tribute to a local runner who ran Boston this year but got stopped short. She was symbolically finishing her race and the Lansing Marathon was giving her a medal - very nice and a great idea!
Capital Building near start |
They did the National Anthem and we were ready to start racing!!!!
Runners in front of me just before start - I should have gotten closer |
Runners behind me with the Capital Building in the background |
Lansing Half Map per Garmin |
Elevation per Garmin |
Splits per Garmin |
As you can see from my splits, I went out entirely too fast. I should have never been running in the 7:20's. My goal for today was 1:45:00 but I don't think I could have gotten any faster if I wanted it. I just wasn't feeling it today to get any faster. Overall, though, I'm happy with the result and felt a 1:45 is within my fitness at this point. Based on my results, I really should have gotten closer to these start line since I had to run around many runners and some walkers too.
* Note: I take pictures during the race to enhance the review but I don't slow down or stop to cause any race issues. Not all are perfect but I'm getting better.
A couple days before the race was to start, the management made a call to change the race route. We have gotten lots of rain here in Michigan and Lansing has a river that runs through it. The river was flooded in several parts so they had to change the course at the last minute to avoid most of the flooding. Unfortunately, it probably took out some of the best parts of the course since much of what was moved was away from the river and away from the trail along it. I don't give any fault to the race management for this. They did what they had to do to still have a race and I commend them for that. I will say, however, that there was only three miles at the very end of the race which I felt was anything worth coming back for. Perhaps the original course would have been better had it not been flooded but I didn't run this last year to know otherwise.
The rest of the course was in neighborhoods(even an apartment building lot/street) and near freeways and was not very scenic. I don't know the roads of Lansing so I cannot say whether they could have made a better course but, given the circumstances, I think they did an excellent job at modifying it at such short notice. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate the week of the race. I'm glad they had the foresight to plan ahead for this aspect so a race was still possible.
It was pretty crowded to start but after about a 1/2-3/4 of a mile things started to thin out nicely. It would have been nice for the race to at least have pace signs up at the start so that people correctly got into their paces. This would have eliminated running around so many runners. I would not expect the race to have corrals with the smaller numbers there but signs could have helped.
USA great start to the race! |
You can see already at the 1 mile market that it's not that crowded. This is one of the nice things about doing a smaller race.
Mile 1 |
As you can see below, we are running by the side of the highway. Not a very scenic route in my opinion.
This is about mile 2 since I missed the marker |
Mile 3 in the neighborhood |
You can see there is more of a spectator crowd at this point of the race. For a small race, I was actually very pleased with the support from the people including the residents. It was more than many races, even larger races, that I've run in the past. I'm sure many came out not only to cheer their runners but to support runners given the events at Boston this week.
This was a nice crowd here
Notice the police on bikes |
Mile 4 |
Lots of Boston wear out today - I think this was 2006 |
Mile 5 - and more police. Support was fantastic |
I took a picture of this sign which is funny because there was not much to see. Perhaps summer looks nicer. |
Mile 6 |
In the apartment building area? Huh, interesting. |
Mile 7 - also a timing device |
A neighbor who made a great sign and was giving out water - very nice people in Lansing. |
I think it was right around here that I saw Spike from
Running Spike and Red from
Caution, Redhead Running, both H/W and bloggers and was cheering on the runners. Spike was dressed as a bear? haha! It was nice to hear her scream out "Detroit Runner". I also saw Colleen from
Running One Mile, 13.1 as well several times at the race. She was doing the relay.
Continuous police |
One thing to note is that they had the signs up for every mile marker so you got to see what the marathoners would be looking at on their second loop. Personally, I would not run a double loop marathon but I know they are popular in the Ironman series for Triathlons.
I never felt so good at mile 22 - oh did I mention it was a double loop for marathoners? |
Reminders of Boston everywhere
Another aid station(which I'll discuss below) |
The yellow container was a great idea. These are at the end of the aid stations so runners could throw their cups into it and try to keep down the amount volunteers had to pick up. I thought it was smart.
Waste containers at aid stations |
Several port-o-potties throughout the course |
As you can see here, we had to get detoured onto the sidewalk because the street was completely flooded from the rains. You can see further to the right how much water is there not only on the street but next to the street.
Flood just at this part |
Mile 10 |
A train above(which apparently stopped some runners on the course.
No mention from race management this might be a possibility. |
The picture below is the start of the trail. It was the best part of the entire route starting at almost mile 11.
Finally the prize! The trail |
Mile 11 |
Wooden bridges - love this part! |
We didn't get to go over the steel bridge below and still remained straight but I can imagine this is a fantastic place for a run.
Steel bridge |
Close to town |
This was also a great place for spectators to yell and/or get pictures of their runner. It was also a great place for runners to run.
This art below is right by the river and the trail. A nice touch.
Gotta have art. |
We did get to cross a steel bridge to get over the river. If you look closely, you can see the capital building right in the middle. Another nice part of the race.
Steel bridge |
Mile 13 - rounding the corner to the finish |
Almost at the finish line right near the start. |
Finish - although this pic was taken after I had finished |
I do like loop courses so you are always seeing something new. Unfortunately, there just was not much to see except the last 3 miles of the race course. Of course, that is just my personal opinion and some of you might really like a double loop marathon in the neighborhoods. I would have liked to run right past the Capital building also or maybe onto Michigan State. It seems the double loop is more to make it easier on the race management than about having a great course for the runners. I was very happy to not run that second loop.
Aid Stations
The aid stations were well stocked and had plenty of volunteers at them. They offered water and some off brand type of gatorade for fuel. While I'm not one to use GU for a half marathon, if you wanted it, you would have had to bring your own. If you were running the marathon, you would need to come prepared. I've never seen a marathon that didn't offer GU or some kind of gel on the course. In fact, many half marathon courses I've run even offer it. In addition, the course should offer something that is not off brand so runners have the ability to train with it.
Overall the volunteers were great and did an excellent job cheering on the runners. These are only two of the pictures I took of aid stations but they did offer several more on the route.
Finish area
Of course, the finish was right where the start was since it was a loop course. Here's what they had at the finish. Water, Gatorade(off brand - I tried it after and it was not bad), bananas, bagels, and granola bars. They also were giving out space blankets when you finished which is a nice touch given the weather can be a little chilly after the race. Race conditions were perfect in my opinion. Start in the 30's and finish in the 40's.
Off brand of gatorade |
Bananas, bagels and water |
Space blankets to keep you warm after |
Success - the medal! |
For your registration, you received a race shirt(forthcoming and hopefully I can post a picture when I do receive it), course support including aid stations and police for traffic control and safety control. You also had a great place to sit inside before the race - a real bonus. In addition, there was the finish line food and the medal. For those that could make it, there was a race expo the day before. Unfortunately, I could not attend so I cannot comment on the size or quality of the expo. The race course was also a certified course(soon to be due to the flooding issue changes) It would have been nice to see the QR Codes on race bibs so people could get instant results. I also think that the ability to track your runner is a good option that was not offered - and should be at least for the marathon.
Half Medal |
Close up - one of the best designs I have |
Back of medal |
Inside your race packet |
Unfortunately, organization is such a huge part of a race and I just felt it could have been better. Keep in mind that I understand it's a huge undertaking to put on a marathon and the race did lots of things right. I know, given my vast race experience, that there were things that need to be improved on. The first and most important thing that needs help with this race is
communication. The website needs to be reviewed much closer. All questions that need to be answered are not on there. You can't tell runners the day before that packet pickup might not be guaranteed. Hey - maybe I'm making too big a deal of it(I'm sure I am) but I'm the customer and should be treated with respect whether I'm right or wrong. It's how it works in business and whether you believe it or not, racing is a business and runners have lots of choices for races. They did have a Facebook and Twitter account which helped but I'd suggest that the staff talk before posting things about the race so there is no confusion. It should also match everything on their website and all changes should be well know via email, website, Facebook and Twitter and not just one of these avenues.
Also, some of the runners were stopped by a train on the course. While I understand that the race management has no way of controlling this, it would have been nice for them to tell the runners this might be a possibility and how they will handle the time lost if this occurred. Instead, they just let it happen and upset many people for no reason. Communication of this ahead of the race would have runners at least know what they were getting into so they did not have a surprise on the course.
Shirts ran out and from what I heard from many runners, medals ran out as well for the half. There's really no reason either of these should ever run out. At least if they do run out of shirts, they should not be promised to the late registration runners as I said earlier. In regards to the medals, it's really hard to judge the medals with the additional demand to allow for only preregistered runners to get them. Unfortunately, the faster you are, the better chance of receiving one. The race said they will make everything right and all will get a race shirt and a race medal. As long as they follow through on this, that is good for me. I think they just need to find a better way so they don't run out next time.
Overall, would I run the race again? Well, not until they fix the issues I discussed above(which is not that hard). Perhaps, as one of my fellow runners suggested, a runner survey, would help the race management know what the issues are that upset people or suggestions for a better race. Not that I'm upset at all - my reviews are here for my readers to make informed decisions on what races to run. If it sounds like your kind of race, go for it!
I loved the medal! In fact, it's one of my favorites of all the races I've done. A superior design! I also like the start/finish area, close parking, smallness of the race and a place to stay warm. In addition, we could use the real bathrooms in the Lansing Center while waiting for the race to start. Unfortunately, besides these things, there's not much to come back to unless they consider changing things to help improve the race. Regardless in all of this, what better way to spend a Sunday morning than running a half marathon!
Me near the capital |
Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!