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Jun 20, 2013

Denon Exercise Freak headphones review

Denon contacted me to see if I was interested in reviewing one of their new products, the Denon Exercise Freak headphones.  I'm always looking for a great pair of headphones so I was interested in doing the review.  Here's what I received:

As you can see, these are wireless headphones.  Yes, very nice!!!!  You plug these into your computer in order to charge them.  I also tried plugging them into my Apple charger and that seemed to work great as well, so if you happen to have an iPhone, it works great and charges faster.

It's a very simple set up.  Just turn on the bluetooth feature of your phone and set the headphones to look for your phone and sync it up.  It took me a whole 2 minutes to get the headphones synced to my iPhone.

First, I tried using them just talking on the phone.  Yes, they are made for exercise, but you can make phone calls on them as well or answer a call while out running.  One of my co-workers helped test them and she said they sounded like I was standing right next to her.  The sound from the earpieces was also quite good.

Next I took them on my run.  I ran probably 10 times with them to get a good feel for them for this review.  The headphones fit around your ears and then into your ears.  The headphones come with different sized earpieces so that can adjust them to fit every size ear.  I was able to find my match.

As I started running, they do take a little getting used to if you have been used to running with regular headphones.  I'm not used to feeling the strap on the back of my neck but it was not bothersome.  After a couple runs, though, I didn't even notice it.  There are controls on the headphones themselves so there's no need to look at your phone or use the phone to change songs.  Just a couple quick pushes on the headphones and you advance to the next song.  Very easy to use.

Of course, because they are from Denon, the sound is great!  I felt also like I could still turn up the volume and enjoy the music but also still be able to hear cars around me as I was running.  Of course, one of the drawbacks, at least for me, is that I need to bring my phone with me to listen to music with these.  I wish Apple would make their iPod shuffle with bluetooth.  That would be an amazing combination.

For the women reading this, most of you probably carry your cell phone with you anyway, so it's not an issue for most of you.  My personal preference is not to carry my iPhone with me on a run but it sure is nice having access to all my songs.  I do have an Armpocket(see review HERE) which is an excellent combination for your phone and these headphones as well.

Some great features are that they are sweat proof.  I didn't try to use them in the rain but then I don't want to run in the rain with my iPhone either.  They have a 7 hour battery that is rechargeable so you could run a marathon with them without any worries.  They also have a reflective band which is nice considering I'm out in the dark many times.  Denon even put together a mobile app to help record your workouts.  It also comes with a great carrying case to store the headphones when you are not using them.

The best thing about these, in my opinion, is they are light, they stay in place, fit well and they are wireless and because of these things, they are something any runner would want to consider.

Keep in mind too that these are bluetooth compatible so while I used them with my iPhone, they work with anything that has bluetooth on it.

Retail price is $149.00 and they come in four colors.

Interested in learning more?

Go to their website, HERE.

Go to their Facebook page, HERE.

Go to their Twitter page, HERE.

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!

* Note - I received a pair of Denon Exercise Freak headphones in exchange for this review.  All opinions on this blog post are my own and I was not paid or required to give a particular opinion on the product.


  1. I don't always listen to music but not having to deal with the wires on a run would be awesome.

  2. "For the women reading this, most of you probably carry your cell phone with you anyway, so it's not an issue for most of you."
    FYI.....this is a huge assumption, and in my opinion gender is irrelevant here...

    1. Thanks for your input. I'm not here to make it a gender thing either. I base that comment on my experience. My experience shows me that most women are comfortable having a phone with them while running vs. guys. Regardless, I agree, whether you are a guy or girl, the Denon headphones are great for running.

    2. I'm with Unknown. I didn't know women were supposed to carry phones while running. 95% of the time I don't, and when I do it's for a purpose (ie to take pictures, or if I'm concerned that I'll need a pickup due to an injury, etc).

    3. Ty, I never said women were "supposed to" carry a phone but that many women do want to. Given that you don't carry your phone much, these probably would not be the best choice for you.

    4. Women that I know at least want to have their phone with them. Ugh!

    5. THe Denon Exercise Freak AH-W150, is not totally compatible with Iphone 5S. Serious problem with find the headphones bluetooth mode.
