
Jun 2, 2013

May recap!!!!

Here we go:

Miles Run:  104 miles!

Miles Bikes:  24 miles; yeah, I finally got out there.  I need to do more than this though!

Miles swam:  Yeah right. zip but I will do some in June.

Weight sessions:  6 sessions.  Slipped a little but added bike.

Yoga sessions:  11 sessions! Love it!

Races:  Only one race this month, the Great Lakes Bay Half Marathon.  Click HERE for the review.
Click to Enlarge
Hope you also had a great month!  I've got a really busy June coming!


As you are reading this, I'm running half #15, Dexter to Ann Arbor half!


Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Great job getting out there and running

  2. I won't be doing any swimming this June, it's not very warm in Cape Town... That said I don't think I will ether get on the bike, so it's all up to the running for me I got to about 230 Miles, a lot by your book, but I need to up the distance if I was to do well in a couple of 4 hour races...

    I take it you are also upping the miles as you are thinking about another marathon?

    Keep it solid

    1. Yes coach. I'll have a schedule together by end of June. I'm thinking of topping out at about 55 miles at the peak - if I can make it through it. Haha! Yes, 200 is a lot. I've only hit that in one month ever!
