
Aug 26, 2013

The Road to Indiana.....week #8!

Week #8

Another week in the books - seriously, it's flying by!  Here's the schedule and actual week.

Monday 4 miles (Actual - 10 miles, yoga)

Tuesday 8 miles (Actual - 8 miles, weights, yoga)

Wednesday 4 miles (Actual - 7 morning miles, 4 afternoon miles for 11 miles todal)

Thursday 8 miles (Actual - 4 miles)

Friday Rest (Actual - Yoga, weights and Michigan Mile race)

Saturday 17 miles (Actual - 16 miles on trails)

Sunday Rest (Actual - Crim 10 mile race)

Total mileage: 44 miles

Another big week for me.  My biggest in a long time in fact.  Overall, I'm still feeling pretty good.  My quads have given me a little soreness this week but otherwise no issues.
Yes, I skipped my long run this past weekend opting to race both Friday and Saturday; however, I added all the lost miles in runs earlier in the week.  Since I ran 33 miles before the two races and then raced I felt the same effect that a 17 miler would have given me(well, at least that's my story and I"m sticking to it.)  I actually only raced the 1 miler and the 10 miler I pushed it hard.  You can read my review of the races HERE if you missed it.

This week coming up is a cut back week and I'm ready for a few less miles but only a few less.
Oh, and the significance of the Indianapolis beer in the picture above?  I have vowed to not drink during this training all!  Not that I drink that much but an ice cold beer sure sounds good.  I was so tempted yesterday with free beer at the race.  Why do it?  Just because I'm disciplined and no other reason.  I can't wait for a cold one after the race though!  It will be the sweet taste of victory no matter how I do in the race.


Four miles done this morning.  A little sore in the left hamstring.  I took it much slower today.


Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. That's some good mileage. You're a machine. If not drinking guaranteed good times, I'd be in the olympics. But the cool thing is, you can hit up some dangerous grub to fill in the calorie space. (btw, I'm blog posting on stereotypes about Detroit later this morning, and it just wouldn't be right if the Detroit Runner didn't comment.)

  2. That's some serious mileage Jeff! I've only had one 40+ mile week this marathon training believe it or not. You are killing it!

    1. Thanks Jose. Trying to stay above 35. Next year is a trail half and also a 50k.

  3. Stand back marathon PR here comes the Dertoit Runner!!!!!

    1. Haha. Thanks for the confidence coach. I wish we were closer so I could run those mountains with you.

  4. Great training, well done! I think not drinking during race build up is wise. Keep it going!
