
Oct 26, 2014

Another HUGE decision!

I made another big decision recently and I'm putting it out there now to keep me committed to it.  I'm going back to Oil Creek next October to run the 100k option.  Actually I can't sign up until March but still.  Ok, ok, "run" is a loose term I suppose.  I like to say run with hiking in between.  It's going to be Epic.  EPIC!

I won't be alone though.  I'll be with my crazy running buddies who are also committing to it.
Dave, me and Kevin - thanks Kevin for the collage
Yes, that is 62.1371 freaking miles with 11,026 feet of elevation gain.  Holy crap!


  1. Damn. You barely had time to forget the pain of the last one. Epic is right. (what about shemp?)

  2. Just watched the Cape Town 100km tail race and am also thinking about running a 100km... but it's scary lonnnnng

  3. So exciting! I'm aiming to do a 50K at some point. A 100K seems nuts!
