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Jan 16, 2015

On the injured list.....sort of.

Ok, I'm not really injured(I don't have pain while running) but I will say that my hamstring has been tight and my adductor muscle(inner thigh - groin) is starting to give me feelings of the potential to be hurt.  I can feel it when not running and that's not good.  Last year I had a similar issue with my adductor and I did strength and stretching exercises to fix it but it was much worse last year.  I've been doing some of these exercises all year but I did slack on them unfortunately. an effort to prevent an injury, I'm going to be proactive and made the decision to not run for seven to ten days.  Do I hate not running?  Yes, but I don't want to get injured and since it's January and I don't have any distance races on my schedule until April, this is a great time to take off and work on strengthening my legs so I can get back to 100%.  I'll then ease back into running and build my distance back up again.

I'll plan to do weight training, yoga, stretching, and maybe even some biking to keep me from going crazy.  Haha!

Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. I sometimes wish I could take time off....

  2. It can be really hard to make the call, but taking a break now sounds like the right decision.
